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Dear colleagues,<BR>Re my earlier post today seeking a Sydney based researcher for the "Global Report on the Status of Women in the News Media".<BR>
I am very happy to report that I have had an overwhelming response and am now in the process of considering those applications.<BR>So, this is to say that I cannot accept any more expressions of interest.<BR>
Many thanks,<BR>
Dr Louise North<BR>Senior Lecturer and Deputy Head of Journalism<BR>School of Humanities, Communications & Social Sciences<BR>Monash University, Gippsland Campus<BR>Northways Road,<BR>Churchill, Victoria 3842<BR>AUSTRALIA <BR>Phone: (03) 5122 6347 <BR>Fax: (03) 5122 6359<BR><A href="mailto:Louise.North@arts.monash.edu.au"><FONT color=#0068cf>Louise.North@arts.monash.edu.au</FONT></A><BR> <BR>Regional Research Co-ordinator (Aust, NZ and Fiji)<BR>Global Report on the Status of Women in the News Media<BR><BR> <BR> <BR> <BR><BR><BR><BR><FONT face=TTE2BD4CF0t00 size=2>
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