<TITLE>FW: Glocal Imaginaries Conference - Final Call for Papers and Extended Deadline</TITLE>
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For your information:<BR>
Writing / Migration / Place<BR>
Lancaster University and Whitworth Gallery, Manchester UK<BR>
9-12 September 2009<BR>
The above event is the closing conference of the AHRC-funded Moving<BR>
Manchester project (2006-2009).<BR>
We have received a very encouraging response to our call for papers so<BR>
far, with abstracts submitted from all parts of the globe. However, we<BR>
have capacity for 300 papers and are therefore extending our deadline<BR>
for papers to 12 March 2009.<BR>
Plenary speakers at the conference will include: Mieke Bal; Roger<BR>
Bromley; Shirley Chew; David L. Eng; Gayatri Gopinath; Ranjana Khanna;<BR>
Susheila Nasta; James Procter; John Thieme; John Urry; Robert J.C.<BR>
Young; Ruth Wodak. Conference streams to include: The Glocal City;<BR>
Glocal Diasporas; Migration and Diaspora; Glocal Economies (eg<BR>
publishing industry, food); Discourses of the Glocal; Virtual<BR>
Glocalities; Gendering Glocalities; Moving Stories (creative writing /<BR>
arts stream); Queer Glocalities; Glocal Mobilities; Gendering Diasporas.<BR>
Please note that this is a multi-disciplinary conference and streams<BR>
will be led and / or co-hosted by colleagues from Geography, Sociology,<BR>
Film Studies, Cultural Studies, Women's Studies, Media Studies,<BR>
Linguistics and European Literatures and Cultures as well as English<BR>
Literature and Creative Writing.<BR>
Papers are invited from colleagues with an interest in any of these<BR>
areas, but we are also happy to consider proposals which fall outside of<BR>
them. In addition, we are willing to consider proposals from colleagues<BR>
who would like to present their work collectively and / or constitute<BR>
their own 'three paper' panel.<BR>
Further details and instructions are to be found on the conference<BR>
webpage at: <a href="http://www.lancs.ac.uk/fass/projects/movingmanchester/">http://www.lancs.ac.uk/fass/projects/movingmanchester/</a><BR>
Abstracts - of no more than 300 words - are now invited for submission<BR>
by 12 March 2009.<BR>
Please email all queries and abstracts to the Conference Administrator,<BR>
Jo McVicker: j.mcvicker@lancaster.ac.uk<BR>
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