[csaa-forum] International Communication Gazette 87(1) - special issue on "Urban Places, Technologies and People: The Importance of Urban Communication for Communication and Media Studies"

Nico CARPENTIER nico.carpentier at fsv.cuni.cz
Wed Feb 5 02:13:34 ACST 2025

((with apologies for cross-posting))

New Special Issue published

International Communication Gazette
Volume 87 Issue 1, February 2025

Special Issue on "Urban Places, Technologies and People: The Importance 
of Urban Communication for Communication and Media Studies"

Guest Editors: Yong-Chan Kim and Nico Carpentier


The objective of this special issue is to provide a forum for UCF/IAMCR 
Urban Communication Research Grant recipients to disseminate their 
state-of-the-art research outputs, and to showcase some of the recent 
work in urban communication studies. In this special issue, the authors 
engage with a diverse array of urban phenomena, dissecting the 
complexities of how technology, culture, and politics intertwine in the 
context of cities. This collection of articles offers a multifaceted 
perspective on the intricate fabric of urban spaces, providing both 
critiques of current paradigms and proposing thoughtfully crafted 
approaches to fostering more engaged, equitable, and communicative urban 
environments (Carpentier, 2008). The papers included in this special 
issue enable us to assess the current state of urban communication 
research and identify the necessary steps to further advance the field 
of urban communication to a more mature subfield of media and 
communication studies. Furthermore, we hope that the special issue will 
prompt a greater number of scholars engaged in media and communication 
research to conceptualize and re-conceptualize their existing work 
through an urban communication studies lens, situating their research 
agendas within urban contexts.

In honour of Gary Gumpert and Sue Drucker, who inspired this special issue.

Introduction to urban places, technologies and people: The importance of 
urban communication for communication and media studies
     Yong-Chan Kim & Nico Carpentier

A smarter neighbourhood? A postscript on Sidewalk Toronto
     Bob Hanke

Street art in the Insta-city: Mobile audiences and urban placemaking
     Erika Polson

Toward a community-driven approach to urban data-driven governance
     Matthew Bui

Disrupting bodegas: Automation, appropriation, and the branding of urban 
     Arlene C. Fernández

Theme parks, labor, and the Dark Lord: A political economic critique of 
the Walt Disney company's relationship with the City of Anaheim
     Geoff Ostrove

Wardian case, glass, and fountain: A reflection on the history of 
shopping malls in Hong Kong
     Bo Wang & Lu Pan

Cemeteries are active urban resonant places, or are they not?
     Yiannis Christidis


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