[csaa-forum] PhD positions at the Institute of Communication Studies and Journalism at Charles University (Prague)
nico.carpentier at fsv.cuni.cz
Tue Jan 14 20:35:25 ACST 2025
((with apologies for cross-posting))
The Institute of Communication Studies and Journalism at the Faculty of
Social Sciences of the Charles University in Prague calls for candidates
for the following PhD projects (each supported by a scholarship), for
its English-language PhD programme in Media and Communication Studies:
1. Post-structuralist Communication Studies
Post-structuralism has slowly entered the field of Communication and
Media Studies, offering a series of relevant theoretical frameworks for
the theoretical and empirical study of communication. This PhD position
is for PhD students who focus on one of the many post-structuralist
frameworks, e.g., Laclau and Mouffe’s discourse theory or Foucauldian
discourse theory, to support the research into a particular
communication assemblage or into particular representational practices.
While in this PhD position the theoretical framework needs to be
post-structuralism, the object of study can be freely chosen.
Proposed supervisor: Nico Carpentier, nico.carpentier at fsv.cuni.cz
2. Analyzing the Impact of Strategic Communication on Public Health in
the Czech Republic: A Mixed-Methods Approach
This PhD position aims to investigate the effectiveness of strategic
communication in influencing public health behavior in the Czech
Republic. Utilizing both quantitative and qualitative methods, the
research will examine contemporary communication strategies used in
public health campaigns. The project will include a comprehensive survey
to quantify public awareness and behavioral changes in response to these
campaigns. In-depth interviews and focus groups will qualitatively
explore individual perceptions and attitudes towards these
communications. Special attention will be given to the role of digital
media in disseminating health information. This project, requiring prior
consultation with the proposed PhD supervisor, seeks to provide valuable
insights into how strategic communication can be optimized for public
health promotion in the Czech context. Proficient knowledge of both
Czech and English language is a condition for this research project due
to the study of local language materials.
Proposed supervisor: Denisa Hejlová, denisa.hejlova at fsv.cuni.cz
3. Marketing communication and tobacco control
The Department of Marketing Communication and Public Relations welcomes
Czech or international scholars focusing on primary research in tobacco
control from the standpoint of marketing and strategic communication
(e.g. research of new strategies and tactics employed by tobacco
companies, targeting customers, online and social media marketing,
stealth marketing, lobbying, public affairs, influencer marketing,
etc.). Our goal is to analyze and present marketing and communication
strategies and tactics by the tobacco industry which prevent consumers
from tobacco or nicotine cessation and undermine public health. We
especially focus on campaigns or tools aimed at adolescents and youth,
incl. new forms of tobacco or nicotine products (HTP, pouches, vapes,
etc.). Close cooperation with the Addictology Dept. of 1st Medical
Faculty, Charles University, is needed.
Proposed supervisor: Denisa Hejlová, denisa.hejlova at fsv.cuni.cz
4. The Para-Social Relationships and Experiences of Youth with the
Online Engagement in these: Post-Humanist Perspective
Traditional human relationships in the experiences of children and young
people experienced during their childhoods, such as youth-adult
relationships, have been also complemented by the 'Para-Social
Relationships with the media figures. Traditionally, public figures from
the media environment (TV, Film, Newspapers) or imaginary figures from
books, cartoons and films provided developmental functions for children
and young people, such as role-modelling. Recently, the rise of new
technologies (ChatGPT) and social media that allow active participation
of media users, created a space for a new form of relationships -
digital relationships in the online environment, mediated e.g. via the
'digital empathy' (Unay-Gerhard et al., 2022). Participation in the
digital interactions, dynamics and functions of digital relationships
and types of these being formed with humans as well as with machines
(e.g. chatbots = ChatGPT, social robots) with a focus on current young
people (11-18 years) will be the subject of exploration of the PhD. the
study, contributing to the emergent line of the research in media the
post-humanist perspective.
Proposed supervisor: Tereza Javornícky Brumovská, 93330901 at fsv.cuni.cz
5. Constructing history on social media
The aim of this PhD position is to explore how history is constructed by
communication on social media. Examples could be narratives about
historical facts or events (also anniversaries of historical events),
how they are constructed by different social groups and for which
purpose different imaginaries of history are constructed. The research
should focus on critical inquiry of online communication from an
interdisciplinary perspective. Connected topics, such as how historical
places that might have turned to museums or places of remembrance use
social media to promote their messages, will also be considered.
Proposed supervisor: Christine Trültzsch-Wijnen,
christine.trultzsch-wijnen at fsv.cuni.cz
6. Domestication of artificial intelligence (AI)
The aim of this PhD position is to explore how people integrate
artificial intelligence services in their daily lives. The focus of the
research can be on social entities as for example families or on
specific age groups like children, adolescents, young adults, elderly
people etc. Besides the question of how artificial intelligence is
domesticated, this project should also look into whether and how
artificial intelligence services are recognised as such and how people
understand and address them (e.g. algorithms, issues of privacy etc.).
Research should be interdisciplinary in nature and might be grounded in
domestication theory, theories of (media) socialization, cultural
studies, and beyond.
Proposed supervisor: Christine Trültzsch-Wijnen,
christine.trultzsch-wijnen at fsv.cuni.cz
7. Media genres in the late modern media environment
The evolution of the different genres of actualities in electronic
media, since the first radio news broadcast to a contemporary online
documentary on a streaming platform, reflects the dynamic adaptation to
the continuously changing media environment. In the analogue context,
genres were interpreted and categorized “within the boundaries of a
single medium” (McQuail, 2014, 374) but because of the recent changes in
the media environment, the boundaries of genres are merging and genres
may be recognized as multi-platform genres, transcending the boundaries
of a single medium. This topic is focused on changes of genres in the
converged media environment and its impact on genres in online video
journalism and the field of documentary media. We invite applications
from candidates interested in researching the evaluation of collective
identity of genres in the late modern media environment, examining the
boundaries between genres of actualities at film, television and online
platforms. The study will deploy methodologies of media content analysis.
Proposed supervisor: Györgyi Rétfalvi, gyorgyi.retfalvi at fsv.cuni.cz
Interested candidates should submit their applications, using the online
application system, which will be open from 1st January to 30th April
2025. Interest in a particular PhD project should be mentioned in the
motivation letter, together with a more developed proposal on the PhD
All relevant information, including the link to the online application
system, can be found at here:
Please download the form for filling your dissertation project proposal:
For general questions, please contact the Centre of PhD Studies, at
cds.iksz at fsv.cuni.cz.
For questions about particular projects, please contact the proposed
The Open Doors Day for PhD Study in Media and Communication Studies
Studies will take place on 26 February 2025 at 12:30 PM CET. It will be
organised online. If you wish to participate, please email the Centre of
PhD Studies, at cds.iksz at fsv.cuni.cz, asap.
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