[csaa-forum] IAMCR Webinar on "Democracy and media: Reflections from around the world. A roundtable discussion"

Nico CARPENTIER nico.carpentier at fsv.cuni.cz
Sat Dec 14 22:23:47 ACST 2024

((apologies for cross-posting and (some) self-promotion))

Webinar on Democracy and Media
IAMCR Webinar Series
"Democracy and media: Reflections from around the world. A roundtable 

In this webinar, four communication and media studies scholars will 
reflect on the intersection of democracy and media in India, Indonesia, 
Turkey and Brazil, using the recently published book "Democracy and 
Media in Europe: A Discursive-Material Approach"(*), authored by Nico 
Carpentier and Jeffrey Wimmer, as a source of inspiration. This 
discussion will serve as an opportunity to reflect also on how the 
scholarly work on democracy and media that has a Western (European) 
conceptual reference point, may (or may not) be relevant in other parts 
of the world.

(*) https://bit.ly/DemoMediaEurope

When: Wednesday 22 January, 2025 @12h00 UTC / 07h00 New York / 12h00 
London / 13h00 Paris / 15h00 Nairobi / 17h30 Kolkata / 20h00 Beijing / 
22h00 Brisbane. The event will last 2 hours.

Organised by: IAMCR's Communication, Social Justice and Democracy (CSD) 
Working Group (https://iamcr.org/s-wg/working-group/csd)

Chair: Vaia Doudaki, co-chair of the Communication, Social Justice and 
Democracy Working Group, Charles University, Czech Republic


-Usha Raman, University of Hyderabad, India
-Masduki, Universitas Islam Indonesia
-Derya Yüksek, Charles University, Czech Republic
-Fernando Oliveira Paulino, University of Brasilia, Brazil

Concluding remarks by Nico Carpentier, Charles University, Czech Republic


Pre-registration is required by 20 January, 2025. Register here: 

Location: The meeting will take place on Zoom. Pre-registered 
participants will receive personal invitations 24 hours before the 
webinar begins.

Who can participate: The webinar is open to all IAMCR members but space 
is restricted. A limited number of guest invitations for non-members may 
be available. Fill out this form to request being added to the guest 
list: https://forms.gle/bVVp5K2saFCnkhVm9

Not sure if you're a member? Check the membership directory: 

If you are not a member of IAMCR, you can join here: 

Nico Carpentier
Web: http://nicocarpentier.net/
New book out now:
Democracy and Media in Europe: A Discursive-Material Approach
by Nico Carpentier, Jeffrey Wimmer
The Construction of the Future of Platforms
Special CEJC issue, Vol. 17, No. 1(35) (2024)
Charles University
Institute of Communication Studies and Journalism
Smetanovo nábřeží 6, 110 01 Praha 1, Czech Republic
International Association for Media and Communication Research
An intersection of academia and arts
Tallinn University
Baltic Film, Media and Arts School
The Commlist
Web: http://nicocarpentier.net/
E-mail (CharlesU): nico.carpentier at fsv.cuni.cz
FB: nico.carpentier.3
Mastodon: @nicocarpentier at sciences.social
Room (CharlesU): Hollar building Room 118
Phone (CharlesU): +420 222 112 231


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