[csaa-forum] new book: Democracy and Media in Europe: A Discursive-Material Approach
nico.carpentier at fsv.cuni.cz
Mon Nov 25 19:19:47 ACST 2024
(with apologies for cross-posting)
Democracy and Media in Europe: A Discursive-Material Approach
By Nico Carpentier and Jeffrey Wimmer
Copyright 2025
ISBN 9781032779263
140 Pages 6 B/W Illustrations
The Open Access version of this book has been made available under a
Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives (CC-BY-NC-ND)
4.0 license
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Democracy and Media in Europe: A Discursive-Material Approach is a
theoretical reflection on the intersection of democracy and media
through a constructionist lens.
This focus allows us to understand current political struggles over
democracy, and over media’s democratic roles, with the latter ranging
from the traditional support for an informed citizenry and the watchdog
role, to the organization of agonistic debate and generating fair and
dignified representations of society and its many (sub)groups, to the
facilitation of maximalist participation in institutionalized politics
and media. Moreover, the book’s reconciliation of democratic theory and
media theory brings out a detailed theoretical analysis of the core
characteristics of the assemblages of democracy and media, their
conditions of possibility and the threats to both democracy and media’s
democratic roles.
This short book provides in-depth reflections on the different positions
that can be taken when it comes to the performance of democracy as it
intersects with the multitude of media in the 21st century. As such, the
volume will be of interest to scholars of media and communication and
related fields in the social sciences.
Nico Carpentier is Extraordinary Professor at Charles University
(Prague, Czech Republic) and Visiting Professor at Tallinn University
(Estonia) and at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (Suzhou, China). He
was Vice-President of the European Communication Research and Education
Association (2008–2012) and President of the International Association
for Media and Communication Research (2020-2024). His theoretical focus
is on discourse theory, his research is situated in the relationship
between communication, politics and culture, especially in social
domains as war and conflict, ideology, participation and democracy. His
latest monographs are The Discursive-Material Knot (2017) and
Iconoclastic Controversies (2021). His last exhibition was The Mirror of
Conflict photography exhibition, in October 2023 at the Energy Museum,
Istanbul in Türkiye, and in October 2024 at the Hollar Gallery, Prague,
in the Czech Republic.
Jeffrey Wimmer is Professor of Communication Science with an emphasis on
media reality at the University of Augsburg, Germany. From 2008 to 2014,
he was chairing the ‘Communication and Democracy’ section of the
European Communication Research and Education Association, and from 2009
to 2015, the ‘Sociology of Media Communication’ section of the German
Association of Communication Science. His research and teaching focuses
on the sociology of media communication, public sphere and
participation, mediatization and media change, digital games and virtual
worlds. Recent edited book publications include (Mis-)Understanding
Political Participation (2018, Routledge) and The Forgotten Subject (2023).
Table of Contents
Introduction Part I: Democracy 1. Core Components of Democracy 2.
Struggles over Democracy 3. Conditions of Possibility of Democracy 4.
Threats to Democracy 5. A First Visual Summary Part II: Media and
Democracy 6. Core Components of Media 7. The Roles of (European) Media
in Democracy 8. Struggles over Media’s Democratic Roles 9. Conditions
of Possibility for Media’s Democratic Roles 10. Threats to Media’s
Democratic Roles 11. A Second Visual Summary A brief conclusion
References Index
"Democracy is the ultimate essentially contested concept and at the same
time a never to be ultimately fulfilled or realised promise. This
excellent and very necessary book not only makes this apparent in an
understandable as well as sophisticated manner but also discusses the
consequences of this for the role of media and communication within the
competing articulations of democracy.”
- Bart Cammaerts, Professor of Politics and Communication, London School
of Economics and Political Science, UK
"The topic of media and democracy is currently highly relevant because
democracy and media are developing apart. With this in mind, the authors
of this book systematically describe possible and existing problems of
democracies in connection with the media, and then just as thoroughly
examine the question of where the media can develop and how they can be
kept on a democratic course. This is why this book is important for
theorists, empirical reseachers and practitioners, as well as anyone
else who works or wants to work in the fields concerned."
- Friedrich Krotz, Professor of Communication and Media Sciences,
University of Bremen, Germany
"Heterogeneity and turbulence characterize democracy in Europe; the
convoluted media landscape is in constant evolution. Both domains are
contingent, shaped by changing contexts, as are the relations between
them. Analyzing such moving targets can be a bewildering task. This
important volume by Nico Carpentier and Jeffrey Wimmer equips the reader
with an elegant analytic framework to grapple with these challenges.
From a discursive-materialist perspective the authors provide a very
lucid toolkit, one to make use of, to work with. For many it will become
a close companion."
- Peter Dahlgren, Professor emeritus, Lund University, Sweden. His
latest book is Media Engagement (Routledge, 2023, with Annette Hill)
"Nico Carpentier and Jeffrey Wimmer have written a hopeful book that
offers a map of the often confusing landscape of current democracy and
media. Everything you want to know about the state of 21st-century
democracy and media is here. The book’s learned, yet clear and concise,
voice shows how theory can help us tackle the great challenges of our
times and build democratic societies that do not succumb to declarations
of decay and pessimism."
- Anu Kantola, Professor of Media and Communication Studies, University
of Helsinki
"This book is groundbreaking in many ways. It is the first comprehensive
investigation in a long time on what is arguably today’s most important
socio-political issue – in Europe and elsewhere: Without media that
respects democratic standards there is no modern democracy; without
democracy there is no politics that respects fundamental human rights.
Consequently, the book combines approaches from communication and media
studies and political science. But, moreover, it interlinks the
material(ist) and the discursive component of media and democracy in a
way that the struggles over what is expected from both are revealed.
Highly recommended."
- Josef Seethaler, Research Group Leader “Media, Politics and
Democracy”, Austrian Academy of Sciences
"This groundbreaking book by Nico Carpentier and Jeffrey Wimmer provides
a powerful and innovative response to a pressing issue of our time: the
thorny relationship between democratic politics and the media in Europe.
In so doing, the book elaborates a distinctive discursive-material
approach, neatly reconciling themes in discourse theory and new
materialism, which foregrounds the primacy of politics in our
understanding of the contemporary forms and articulations of democracy
and the media. Delineating and representing the complex intersections
between different democratic and media assemblages, the book sets the
agenda for future explorations and interventions in this critical field
of study and practice."
- David Howarth, Professor in the Department of Government and
Co-Director of the Centre for Ideology and Discourse Analysis,
University of Essex, UK
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