[csaa-forum] Media Studies issue 1/2024 published

Nico CARPENTIER nico.carpentier at fsv.cuni.cz
Mon Jul 1 22:20:26 ACST 2024

((apologies or cross-posting))

Media Studies issue 1/2024 has been published.

Mediální studia / Media Studies (ISSN 2464-4846) is a peer-reviewed, 
open access electronic journal, published in English, Czech and Slovak 
twice a year.

You can download the journal as well as individual articles here: 

FULL ISSUE is available as PDF at:

Table of contents:

“If You Don’t Nurture the Nature inside of You, You Will Eventually 
Die”: A Discourse-Theoretical Analysis of the Discursive Assemblage of 
Ecocentrism and Its Ethics in the Swedish Television Series Jordskott
Nico Carpentier & Vaia Doudaki

The Other or Visually Almost the Same? A Comparison of the Visual 
Coverage of Athletes with and without a Disability
František Géla & Veronika Macková

The Language of Racist Virality: A Content Analysis of Italian Racial Hoaxes
Isabella Lamanna, Rosa Scardigno, & Francesca D’Errico

Journalism Across Platforms: A Content Analysis of The Washington Post’s 
Early Framing of Ukraine War Stories
Kirstin Pellizzaro & Madeleine Liseblad

Multiplicity of Media Choices and Privatised Mobility in Quarantine
Dejan Jontes, Breda Luthar, & Maruša Pušnik

Exploring Audience Engagement Strategies of Data Journalism Practices in 
Nigerian Online News Media
Raheemat Adeniran


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