[csaa-forum] CFP: Design & Planning Conferences 2023-2024
University of London
mgt at amps-research.com
Wed May 3 18:34:17 ACST 2023
London, Barcelona, Virtual | Architecture, Urbanism, Landscape, Interiors & Planning
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A conference organised by City, University of London.
Today, the societies, cultures, and the places in which we live and work are increasingly intricate phenomena. Globalization eradicates spatial boundaries to business; gentrification involves social and political pressure; pandemics are never site specific or confined to the past. Architecture and urban design are global endeavors; sustainability requires material and political action; and patterns of criminality are not placed bound. Similarly, the need for education and housing are universal; and land rights are essential legal tools for First Nations and communities everywhere. This conference examines these issues, and more.
READ MORE (https://amps-research.com/conference/livable-cities-london/)
PUBLICATIONS (https://amps-research.com/)
A collaboration between Rochester Institute of Technology, University of Melbourne and The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
The United Nations Human Rights and Habitat programmes connect how we live, to where we live. The association is premised on an understanding of cultures, communities and society through the lens of place. It sees them as inherently interlinked, and mutually reinforcing. Examining this liminal state, the Local Cultures – Global Spaces conference questions this idea as it appears at the intersection of architecture, urban planning, cultural studies, sociology and human geography. It responds to debates around community networks and cultural traditions as independent of location. It acknowledges that how we live can be seen as inseparable from our built environments – our buildings, villages, towns and cities. Exploring these overlaps, it seeks contributions from across disciplines.
READ MORE (https://amps-research.com/conference/local-global/)
PUBLICATIONS (https://amps-research.com/)
A conference organised by Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya.
Every region of the world has its particular cultural, social and artistic heritage. In urban centres this is at its most pronounced. The city, as we see it today, results from a history of architectural visions, planning initiatives, social forces and engineering projects. In thinking about its future, we are obliged to build on its past and its present. When thinking about the future of specific cities we are also obliged to think more broadly – to understand the local and the global context in we live: the transnational forces of globalization, the universal concern for sustainability, and the worldwide trends of consumerist cultures etc. The host city of this event, Barcelona, is a perfect example of this and offers examples of the various themes this conference will examine.
READ MORE (https://amps-research.com/conference/barcelona/)
PUBLICATIONS (https://amps-research.com/)
Lightning Talks
Written Paper
Urban Design
Landscape Architecture
Interior Design
Regional Planning
All pre-recorded presentations/films will be hosted on the AMPS academic YouTube channel. (https://www.youtube.com/c/AMPSresearch)
** Publications
Book publications with Cambridge Scholars Publishing and Routledge. Journal Special Issue publications with UCL Press.
These conferences organised by:
City University of London
Rochester Institute of Technology
University of Melbourne
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
AMPS (Architecture, Media, Politics, Society)
Routledge Taylor & Francis
Cambridge Scholars Publishing
University College London Press
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City, University of London . Northampton Square . London, EC1V 0HB . United Kingdom
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