[csaa-forum] Call for Participation in Prague PhD course on Discourse Studies and Method: Using Discourse-Theoretical Analysis and Discursive-Material Analysis
nico.carpentier at fsv.cuni.cz
Tue Feb 21 02:26:52 ACST 2023
((apologies for crossposting))
Call for Participation in PhD course
Discourse Studies and Method: Using Discourse-Theoretical Analysis and
Discursive-Material Analysis at Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
About the course
Course title: Discourse Studies and Method: Using Discourse-Theoretical
Analysis and Discursive-Material Analysis
Course coordinator and leader: Professor Nico Carpentier
Course credits: 5 credits
Course timing: The course will be organised on 23 October - 27 October 2023
Course location: Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
Course background and purpose
The course aims to discuss two methods in the field of discourse
studies: Discourse-theoretical analysis (DTA) and Discursive-material
analysis (DMA). Both are grounded in so-called high theory, with
discourse theory as its main starting point, but with elements of actor
network theory and new materialism. This course will start with an
introduction to these theoretical models, but will then move on to their
analytical deployment in communication and media studies research.
Special attention will be spent on the creation of a theory-grounded
analytical model to guide the research. Apart from attending lectures,
participants will be expected to participate in both theoretical and
research-driven workshops.
Learning outcomes
On completion of this course, successful students will be able to:
-have a deeper understanding of the field of discourse studies, and in
particular of its discourse-theoretical component
-have a deeper understanding of the theoretical relationship between the
discursive and the material
-know how to translate discourse-theoretical models into analytical
practice, through the use of the notion of the sensitising concept
(applied to discourse theory, and to discourse-theoretical rereading of
other theories)
-set up an analytical model for a discourse-theoretical analysis and a
discursive-material analysis
Teaching and evaluation
The one-week course will be organised in 10 teaching slots, combining
lectures and workshops. These workshops are partially theoretical
(presenting an article or chapter), and partially research-driven
(presenting an analytical model).
A certificate (with a grade “Pass”) is given after 1) attendance of
minimally 8 meetings, 2) a working group theoretical presentation, 3) an
individual case study presentation.
Available participant slots and costs
A total number of 20 participant slots are available. The participation
fee is 50 euros, and only covers course attendance. Participants are
required to pay themselves for their travel and accommodation costs, and
all other expenses.
The deadline for the application submission is 01 July 2023.
To register for this course, the following three documents have to be
-A motivation letter
-A brief description/abstract of the ongoing (PhD) research (including
the current stage of the research)
-A CV (including information about your university affiliation and your
contact information)
Please send these documents to Mazlum Kemal Dağdelen (mazlum.dagdelen
/at/ fsv.cuni.cz) or use the form on the course webpage for submission
The fee for course participation is 50 euros. Selected participants will
be informed about the payment procedure.
Contact information
If you need any further information/assistance, please get in touch with
Mazlum Kemal Dağdelen (mazlum.dagdelen /at/ fsv.cuni.cz)
Course readings
Main reading:
Carpentier, Nico (2017) The Discursive-Material Knot: Cyprus in Conflict
and Community Media Participation. New York: Peter Lang.
Secondary readings:
Butler, Judith (1993) Bodies that matter. On the discursive limits of
'sex'. New York, London: Routledge.
Dolphijn, Rick, van der Tuin, Iris (2012) New materialism: Interviews
and cartographies. Ann Arbor: Open humanities press.
Glynos, Jason, Howarth, David (2007) Logics of critical explanation in
social and political theory. London and New York: Routledge.
Howarth, David (2000) Discourse. Buckingham, Philadelphia: Open
University Press.
Howarth, David (2012) "Hegemony, political subjectivity, and radical
democracy", in Simon Critchley and Oliver Marchart (eds.) Laclau: A
critical reader. London: Routledge, pp. 256-276.
Howarth, David, Stavrakakis, Yannis (2000) “Introducing discourse theory
and political analysis”, in David Howarth, Aletta J. Norval and Yannis
Stavrakakis (eds.) Discourse theory and political analysis. Manchester:
Manchester University Press, pp. 1-23.
Laclau, Ernesto, Chantal Mouffe (1985) Hegemony and Socialist Strategy:
Towards a Radical Democratic Politics. London: Verso.
Latour, Bruno (2005) Reassembling the social. An introduction to
Actor-network-theory. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Mouffe, Chantal (2005) On the Political. London: Routledge.
Philips, Louise, Jørgensen, Marianne W. (2002) Discourse Analysis as
Theory and Method. London: Sage.
Spivak, Gayatri Chakravorty (1988) "Can the subaltern speak?", in Cary
Nelson and Lawrence Grossberg (eds.) Marxism and the Interpretation of
Culture. Urbana and Chicago: University of Illinois Press, pp. 271-313.
Torfing, Jacob (1999) New Theories of Discourse. Laclau, Mouffe and
Žižek. Oxford: Blackwell.
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