[csaa-forum] Call for Papers and Creative Works for the 12th Meeting of the Luce Irigaray Circle: Irigaray in Practice May 18-20, 2023

Laura Roberts robe0840 at flinders.edu.au
Tue Jan 10 10:33:53 ACST 2023


Call for Papers and Creative Works for the

12th Meeting of the Luce Irigaray Circle:

Irigaray in Practice

May 18-20, 2023

All-Virtual Works in Progress Conference

Keynote Speaker: Athena Colman, Brock University

CALL FOR PAPERS: Proposals due February 28, 2023

The 12th meeting of the Luce Irigaray Circle is a three-day interdisciplinary conference devoted to scholarship and creative work on and inspired by the thought of Luce Irigaray. Irigaray’s work has influenced scholarship across multiple fields, including Philosophy, Gender Studies, Queer Theory, Trans Studies, Literary Studies, Indigenous Studies, Classics, Religious Studies, Political Theory, Linguistics, Art. Architecture, Music, Performance Studies, Legal Theory, Social Justice Work, etc. This year’s fully-remote conference will take a workshop approach to enable participants to share and receive feedback upon works-in-progress at any stage of development.

The Circle cultivates a space for honoring and interrogating the question of sexual difference by supporting the multiple research trajectories, methods, and projects inspired by Irigaray’s thought. This year’s conference draws its theme from Irigaray’s own psychoanalytic practice as well as her pedagogy and activism and seeks to explore and imagine the ways in which her work on sexual difference is put into practice not only in academia but, also, in the classroom, the psychoanalyst’s office, the courtroom, the legislature, the street, and beyond. We are looking for all disciplines/approaches, including artists, academics who primarily teach, and non-academics.

In keeping with the theme, we welcome works-in-progress for workshop format sessions. These will be small, closed sessions (6-8 people) with brief presentations by each panel member and lots of time for discussion. The drafts will be shared with the session members in advance to allow for in-depth and robust feedback. This is truly an opportunity to present and discuss projects that may not be quite ready for formal conferences or publication. We also welcome projects that reflect practice beyond conferences and academic journals and publishing houses. For example, case studies, grant proposals, non-profit/activist group strategic planning, creative works, writings for a popular audience (blogs, opinion pieces, etc.), and so on.

In addition to the workshops, there will be syllabi/course plan workshop sessions to assist faculty participants who teach undergraduate students with incorporating intersectional pedagogy and Irigaray’s work into their course plans. Participants are welcome to participate in both the works-in-progress and syllabi workshops. There will also be a keynote session, happy hour, and mentoring sessions on pedagogy and publishing open to all registrants.

While the Circle welcomes all submissions that explore the work of Luce Irigaray, the theme of Irigaray in practice solicits perspectives from crip, critical race, decolonizing, feminist, queer, and trans thought on Irigaray’s work in relation to the following topics:

Climate crisis/environmental Justice
Coloniality, war
Fugitivity, precarity, resistance
Immigration, migration
Mass incarceration, prison-industrial complex
Pandemics, Sickness, Health
Place, relations, and the inhabitation of difference
Placental economies, maternity, the sensible transcendental
Politics, political movements, political recognition
Posthuman ecologies and sexual difference
Ontology, ontological insecurity, onto-ethics
Race, racism, and racialization
Social, environmental, and reproductive justice, rights and the law
Teachers, Students, and Pedagogies of Sexual Difference
  *   Writing for a popular audience

If you would like to submit a proposal or sign up for more information on syllabus sessions or other conference events, please complete the form here by Feb 28th: https://forms.gle/AU3RVN9DfAb4v8j8A<https://forms.gle/AU3RVN9DfAb4v8j8A>

Full drafts for works-in-progress sessions (no more than 5,000 words) will be due by April 18th, 2023. The full drafts will be shared with the other participants in your workshop ahead of the conference. These drafts may be at various stages of completeness. For dissertations and book projects, we suggest submitting a single chapter and/or the introduction.

For more information on the Luce Irigaray Circle or to sign up for email updates. go to www.irigaray.org<http://www.irigaray.org>

Special thanks to Georgia College and State University for their generous support in hosting the 12th meeting of the Irigaray Circle.

Please contact Sabrina Hom (sabrina.hom at gcsu.edu<mailto:sabrina.hom at gcsu.edu>) or Jena Jolissaint (jjolissaint at southuniversity.edu<mailto:jjolissaint at southuniversity.edu>), Conference Directors, with any questions or concerns.

*Please note that you can indicate your time zone preference on the online form*

Dr Laura Roberts  | Women’s and Gender Studies  | Flinders University | Australia
e: laura.roberts at flinders.edu.au<mailto:laura.roberts at flinders.edu.au>
w: https://www.flinders.edu.au/people/laura.roberts
w: https://flinders.academia.edu/lauraroberts
t: @BrisPhiloSophia<https://twitter.com/BrisPhiloSophia>

Recent Publications:
Roberts, L. (2022) ‘Sexuate Difference, Sovereignty and Colonialism: Reading Luce Irigaray with Irene Watson<https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11841-022-00924-1>’, Sophia
Ramos, F. and Roberts, L. (2021) ‘Wonder as Feminist Pedagogy: Disrupting Feminist Complicity with Coloniality<https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/01417789211013702>’, Feminist Review
Roberts, L. (2019) Irigaray and Politics <https://edinburghuniversitypress.com/book-irigaray-and-politics.html>  (Edinburgh University Press)
I acknowledge the Kaurna people as the traditional custodians of the lands on which I live and work. I pay my respects to Elders past and present. Sovereignty has never been ceded.

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