[csaa-forum] Call for candidates for the 2022 PhD positions at the Institute of Communication Studies and Journalism
nico.carpentier at fsv.cuni.cz
Tue Jan 25 01:42:05 ACST 2022
((apologies for cross-posting))
Call for candidates for the 2022 PhD positions
at the Institute of Communication Studies and Journalism
Charles University
The Institute of Communication Studies and Journalism at the Faculty of
Social Sciences of the Charles University in Prague calls for candidates
for the following PhD projects (each supported by a scholarship), for
its English-language PhD programme in Media and Communication Studies:
1/Intolerant belief systems and their intersection in the online
Western liberal democracies are becoming polarized along different lines
and this polarization is specifically visible in the online discussions
on various controversial topics. How does intolerance based on one
characteristic (for example age) relate to other intolerant belief
systems (for instance, those in relation to gender, ethnicity, race,
sexuality etc.)? How does intolerant public online communication reflect
societal norms and cultural prejudice prevalent in the analysed culture?
What is the role of disinformation media in promoting intolerant belief
The phenomenon can be studied on various research topic and case studies
(ranging from politically exposed topics to debates among popular
culture fans). Proposals are expected to be rooted in theories on online
deliberation and its societal significance, intersectionality,
post-truth society and other relevant theories. A project proposal
focusing on this topic can be submitted in English or in Czech.
Proposed supervisor: Lenka Vochocová, lenka.vochocova at fsv.cuni.cz
2/Discursive constructions of the environment
This PhD position consists out of research into the discursive
construction of the environment, climate and/or human-nature
relationships, driven by a discourse-theoretical (or other
post-structuralist) framework, that allows for attention for the
workings of contingency, hegemony, materiality and discursive struggle.
The research can be located in variety of social fields, including
media, the arts and/or museums.
Proposed supervisor: Nico Carpentier, nico.carpentier at fsv.cuni.cz
3/Inclusive media literacy education
The aim of this PhD position is to explore the field of media literacy
education/media education from the perspective of vulnerable groups,
such as: migrant and refugee youth, minorities, the elderly, or people
with disabilities. The project should focus on critical inquiry by
drawing on theories of intersectionality and feminism, and focus on how
identities and lived media experiences are shaped through the mediation
of intersecting axes of difference including nationality, race,
ethnicity, gender, sexuality, age, ability, migration status and
socioeconomic class. Connected topics, such as the digital civic
engagement/activism of youth, digital learning and curriculum
development will also be considered.
The PhD project should be interdisciplinary in nature and build upon a
participatory and/or creative/digital methodology. Proposals should be
submitted in English.
Proposed supervisor: Annamária Neag, annamaria.neag at fsv.cuni.cz
4/Political management: campaigns organization, impacts on political
parties, media relations
The project proposal should focus on at least one of the following
topics : political management, changes within political parties,
campaign organization, political communication, and political
leadership. The whole political process has dramatically changed, and it
keeps changing. The focus of the project should be analyzing what are
the reasons for these changes. Adapting to the political environment and
new issues or if the reason lies more in populistic approaches to
politics. Theoretically, it should be rooted in the political marketing
theory and political communication theory. The research project can
either focus on a specific case study or use a more comparative
approach. This PhD project can submitted in English or in Czech (in the
latter case to the Czech-language PhD program in Media Studies).
Proposed supervisor: Anna Shavit, anna.shavit at fsv.cuni.cz
5/The Influence of Persuasion and Communication in Food Decisions
In general, this project aims to explore what factors influence people's
short and long-term food preferences. This objective can be fulfilled by
focusing on the research of the supply (communication of restaurants,
lifestyle magazines, or influencers) and the demand (psychological
mechanisms of how we make food decisions and what contextual factors
play a role). The project's methodology will correspond to the specific
objective chosen, but experimental evidence is preferred. The detailed
objective of the project must be agreed upon with the supervisor in advance.
Proposed supervisor: Petr Houdek, petr.houdek at fsv.cuni.cz
6/The Art of Persuasion and Political Skills: An Intra-organisational Study
This dissertation project concerns research on persuasion within
organizations (and groups of people in general). The research aims to
identify the factors of organizational politics - at the individual and
organizational level - that hinder the implementation of measures that
can increase organizational effectiveness, ethicality, or sustainability
(or other prosocial goals). Subsequently, the aim will be to design
interventions that would enhance effective political skills. Laboratory
and field experiments are preferred, but other approaches can also be
Proposed supervisor: Petr Houdek, petr.houdek at fsv.cuni.cz
7/Photography and practices of othering
The position involves researching the specific means of othering in
technical images with particular regard to photography. The methodology
can be qualitative (although a combination of qualitative-quantitative
methods is not excluded), analysing the depiction of the other as an
enemy - in the war, for example, or as a cultural or ethnic enemy. The
research can be aimed at gender stereotypes too. The researcher is
expected to focus on the visual (thematic, aesthetic, formal)
constructions of othering - e.g., what aesthetics and formal aspects are
typically used to create the image of the other. The position can
concentrate on historical imagery as well as the contemporary one or its
historical development.
Proposed supervisor: Robert Silverio, robert.silverio at fsv.cuni.cz
8/Photography composition as a narrative and cognitive construct
The topic analyses composition in photojournalistic photography or, more
generally, in a photographic image, as a narrative element with a
cognitive impact. Photography as a static, time-limited image tells
stories taking place in an extended time. Research emphasizes how
photographs create narrative functions and create awareness of the world
through composition. It scrutinises the cognitive possibilities of this
narration and potential cognitive biases. It can also concentrate on
similarities and differences between technical and pre-technical images.
The research analyses how specific themes can be framed. The project
also enables the research of other formal aspects that participate in
making the overall narratives.
A wide range of methodological approaches can be applied: synchronic or
diachronic analysis, qualitative or qualitative-quantitative approach,
poststructuralist analysis, a series of case studies, or a combination
of these approaches.
Proposed supervisor: Robert Silverio, robert.silverio at fsv.cuni.cz
Interested candidates should submit their applications, using the online
application system, which will be open from 1st January to 30th April
2022. Interest in a particular PhD project should be mentioned in the
motivation letter, together with a more developed proposal on the PhD
All relevant information, including the link to the online application
system, can be found at here:
and here:
Please download the form for filling your dissertation project proposal
For general questions, please contact the Centre of PhD Studies, at
cds.iksz at fsv.cuni.cz. For questions about particular projects, please
contact the proposed supervisors.
The Open Doors Day for PhD Study in Media Studies will take place on
February 28, 2022 (Monday) at 12:00 CET. It will be organised online. If
you wish to participate, please email the Centre of PhD Studies, at
cds.iksz at fsv.cuni.cz, asap.
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