[csaa-forum] Final invitation to participate: the loneliness room project

Sean Redmond s.redmond at deakin.edu.au
Tue Jun 8 14:16:57 ACST 2021

What is your loneliness room?

Dear colleagues and friends,

I am now in the final stages of undertaking a creative research project that explores how people experience loneliness, using the notion of the loneliness room as the central way to express it.

For the purpose of this project the loneliness room is defined as a real or imagined space where we feel lonely or find loneliness. We may also prefer to call this quality or state one of aloneness, where it is solitude and isolation that we seek.

Each of us will have our very own version of the loneliness room: it could be the hills we walk on, a morning swim at the beach or the local swimming pool, listening to a certain sad song in our bedroom, the morning commute, writing in our diary, or the park we go to sit in at lunchtime.

The project explores not just the isolation of loneliness but the social, creative and experiential possibilities of loneliness in all walks of life: this is loneliness as a natural part of the human condition.

Details of some of the works and responses so far received can be found here: the loneliness room<https://www.facebook.com/The-Loneliness-Room-103293261203851>

I am asking those interested in taking part to respond to the idea of the loneliness room through sharing their creative responses and/or completing a short questionnaire(s).

The creative response is meant to capture your loneliness room and can be:
Photograph(s) (with/without captions)
Short video(s)
Social media posts
Hand-written letter(s) (which could be posted to me)
Songs, composition, audio
Recorded performance

These creative responses will then be eventually housed in a loneliness room website, where participants can also directly post their own representations of the loneliness room. These responses can either be ‘signed’ or anonymous. The project is also contracted with Manchester University Press for their Anthropology, Creative Practice and Ethnography series.

If you are interested in taking part, please:

a) Forward me your creative interpretation of the loneliness room using any media you feel comfortable with. You can also supply an accessible link to this work for this purpose.

b) Complete one or more of these online questionnaires, available here:

lonely room questionnaire<https://researchsurveys.deakin.edu.au/jfe/form/SV_eet1GBIsIn3etiR>

lonely songs questionnaire<https://researchsurveys.deakin.edu.au/jfe/form/SV_7QImxbZPG2YBEJn>

lonely films questionnaire<https://researchsurveys.deakin.edu.au/jfe/form/SV_bPIiNLEjYMh4mcR>

lonely photographs questionnaire<https://researchsurveys.deakin.edu.au/jfe/form/SV_3lKTS60gOUqpK7P>

A plain language statement and consent and withdrawal form can be found here and has also been attached to this email. See: https://documentcloud.adobe.com/link/review?uri=urn:aaid:scds:US:46ecdcca-15a2-4a35-bf86-e9d6dc9fa666

To submit work, for further information or if you have any questions please contact me, Sean Redmond at: s.redmond at deakin.edu.au<mailto:s.redmond at deakin.edu.au>

Best wishes,

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