[csaa-forum] open access special issue on Arts-based research in Communication and media studies

carpentier nico nico.carpentier at vub.ac.be
Fri Apr 9 20:56:26 ACST 2021

((apologies for cross-posting))

New special issue
Arts-Based Research in Communication and Media Studies
Edited by Nico Carpentier and Johanna Sumiala

Free download at

About the special issue:

Slowly but surely, arts-based research is making its entry into 
Communication and Media Studies, moving away from a rather exclusive 
focus on written texts and oral presentations. This special issue is 
driven by the belief that still more could be done at the level of 
theorizing arts-based research practices, and at the level of deploying 
them in different contexts. The aim of this special issue is to further 
stimulate the discussion on this topic, bringing together a diversity of 
voices, formats and approaches. In order to translate this objective 
into practice, a very strict (and restrictive) definition of arts-based 
research was avoided. Instead, all contributions that allowed for an 
artistic-academic dialogue on arts, academia and research were welcomed. 
This became translated into an intentionally-kept-vague structure, with 
more general reflective texts first, and then a series of more 
case-study-based approaches and more targeted and specific discussions, 
divided into a cluster on participation and interaction on the one hand, 
and mediation on the other. For the very same purpose, also a variety of 
formats was welcomed, including multimodal formats, more artistic 
contributions and policy-oriented statements, even though all 
contributors were asked for relatively short contributions, to maximize 
the diversity of voices. This strategy produced a variety of 
contributions that aim to inspire researchers in the field of 
Communication and Media Studies, and beyond, to reflect about the 
potentialities (and limitations) of arts-based research, and to consider 
adapting some of these approaches and methods in their own academic 


Introduction: Arts-Based Research in Communication and Media Studies
by Nico Carpentier, Johanna Sumiala

Academia Goes to the Arts: Entanglements of Research, Knowledge, and 
Information in Contemporary Visual Art
by Panos Kompatsiaris

Towards Academic Publishing In Medias Res
by Mika Elo

Short-Circuiting Media History Research: Convergences between Media 
Archaeology and Media Art
by Sergio Minniti

Arts-Based Research and Artistic Research Promoting New Kinds of 
Co-Operation: A Funder’s Perspective
by Kalle Korhonen

Hybrid Spectators: Meta-Study of a Transmedia Art-Based Research Experience
by Hernando Blandón Gómez, Polina Golovátina-Mora

Il Posticipo (The Late Kick-off): Art, Research and Urban Regeneration
by Emanuele Rinaldo Meschini

Silencing / Unsilencing Nature. A Participatory Visual Essay on the 
Right to Flourish
by Nico Carpentier

Fragmented Interpretations: Constructing the Arts-Based Text
by Chelsea Bihlmeyer

Interactive Tools Performance: Blast Theory between Media Theory, 
Performance Studies and Social Research
by Vincenzo Del Gaudio

Bella Ciao Clangs on the Balconies: The Art of Ritual Practice during 
Lockdown 2020. Some Digital Media Ethnographic Notes
by Johanna Sumiala

Making of Livestream (and Few Other Pieces): Research from the Point of 
View of a Visual Artist
by Pekko Vasantola

Transilluminating Climate Change
by Niina Uusitalo

Passages (Pasáže) in Prague as Heterotopias of Inclusion and Exclusion
by Vaia Doudaki

Following Flags: Experimental Mass Production in the Borderlands
by Grant Leuning, Pepe Rojo

Producing a Media-Rich Permanent Exhibition for the Estonian National 
Museum as Arts-Based Research
by Pille Pruulmann-Vengerfeldt, Pille Runnel

Reasons to Kill a Poet
by Dalida Maria Benfield, Christopher Bratton

“Scusi, chi ha fatto il palo?” Continuità e disruption del calcio su 
Internet in Italia: dalle IPTV ‘pirata’ a DAZN
by Danilo Callea

Towards the Platformization of (Social) Media Memory: Articulating 
Archive, Assemblage, and Ephemerality
by Elisabetta Locatelli

City of Strangers. Le città multimediali e multi-identitarie di 
Krzysztof Wodiczko
by Giacomo Ravesi

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