[csaa-forum] Transforming public discourse: The media, Aboriginal aspirations and agreement-making in Australia webinar - 5 November
Tanja Dreher
t.dreher at unsw.edu.au
Mon Nov 2 16:27:24 ACST 2020
*forwarded by request * apologies for cross-posting *
Transforming public discourse: The media, Aboriginal aspirations and agreement-making in Australia webinar
1-2pm, 5 November 2020
A University of Technology Sydney study examined 45 years of news media reporting of Aboriginal efforts for self-determination, rights and agreements. Amy Thomas, lead study author, will present this webinar alongside Rachael Hocking, a Warlpiri woman with roots in the Tanami Desert of the Northern Territory, and NITV reporter and presenter.
Join our AANSW host with presenters:
* Amy Thomas, Indigenous Land and Justice Research Hub, University of Technology Sydney
* Rachael Hocking, NITV journalist and co-host of The Point
About the research:
Released in early 2020, Does the media fail Aboriginal political aspirations? 45 years of news media reporting of key political moments<http://s.bl-1.com/h/cYXwS2o5?url=https://www.aboriginalaffairs.nsw.gov.au/new-knowledge/completed-research-and-evaluation/does-the-media-fail-aboriginal-political-aspirations(ePDF).pdf> reviews mainstream print media of 11 key moments in Aboriginal political life, finding approaches to telling stories that range from sympathetic stalling to patronising parodies.
The study was conducted by Amy Thomas, Professor Heidi Norman, and Professor Andrew Jakubowicz, with contributions from Lorena Allam, Alison Whittaker, Amy McQuire and Dr Anne Maree Payne.
It was commissioned by Aboriginal Affairs NSW as part of the OCHRE commitment, which aims to fundamentally change the relationship between government and Aboriginal communities, from unilaterialism to bi/multi-lateralism.
By understanding how the media has engaged with Aboriginal political aspirations over time, we can better understand how to shift public dialogue and achieve meaningful agreements between Aboriginal peoples and government.
Register to attend here.<http://s.bl-1.com/h/cYXwS6B7?url=https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/transforming-public-discourse-media-aspirations-and-agreement-making-tickets-126014628145>
A link to access the session will be shared upon registering.
This webinar shares the learnings and findings from the research agenda, Transforming the relationship between Aboriginal peoples and the NSW government 2018-2023.<http://s.bl-1.com/h/cYXwSocz?url=https://www.aboriginalaffairs.nsw.gov.au/new-knowledge/whats-happening-now/research-agenda/Aborginal-Affairs-NSW-research-agenda-2018-2023-FINAL-FEB-2018.pdf>
Agreement-making is at the heart of OCHRE<http://s.bl-1.com/h/cYXwSxP3?url=https://www.aboriginalaffairs.nsw.gov.au/our-agency/staying-accountable/ochre/the-ochre-plan/%2F> — the NSW Government’s community focused-plan for Aboriginal affairs which is committed to transforming the relationship between Aboriginal peoples and the Government.
As the fourth pillar of our democracy, media plays a central role in providing the public with information, creating public awareness and shaping public opinion. Media provide the conditions that support or hinder open, respectful and well-informed discussions about agreement-making with Aboriginal communities. The individuals and institutions that government seeks advice from including Ministers, public officials, industry bodies and researchers are not immune to the discourses.
Register to attend here.<http://s.bl-1.com/h/cYXwS6B7?url=https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/transforming-public-discourse-media-aspirations-and-agreement-making-tickets-126014628145>
A link to access the session will be shared upon registering.
Dr Tanja Dreher
Scientia Associate Professor
School of Arts and Media
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences EDIC Co-Champion - Indigenous Strategy
University of New South Wales
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