[csaa-forum] The Asian Media and Cultural Studies Network Presents the Asian Pandemic Panel Series
Sean Redmond
s.redmond at deakin.edu.au
Mon Jun 1 09:23:42 ACST 2020
The Asian Media and Cultural Studies Network Presents the Asian Pandemic Panel Series
Panel One, Asian Celebrity and the Pandemic: Misreading the Room?
Time and Date: Thursday 18th June 2-3pm (Australian Eastern Standard Time, GMT+10)
Link: https://deakin.zoom.us/j/97641656863?pwd=MklwNEFndWNqdTZYQituSm1CTnl5QT09<https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fdeakin.zoom.us%2Fj%2F97641656863%3Fpwd%3DMklwNEFndWNqdTZYQituSm1CTnl5QT09%26fbclid%3DIwAR3T1yjJP23YkR1uCeR1fFFFpXKvkFZaWF-qdDbsiZB-7YeWTO9l05L68H0&h=AT3m6v0ETJd_vy3kfBsi-jkMqi4iJg_jC4xwhLrLouU6ylB30OYheUs3nm3tePEfYCADiV4-VdRvToxsq6pluVOex39XgDXgdEWoLFmkBEaABuQ-M523UEChRWUzUNs9EjHbIZZ0evFX2akcnyxM4X8>
Password: 026475
Please join us for this virtual roundtable discussion where our panellists explore how celebrities in Asia responded to the Covid-19 pandemic. They draw on examples from China, India, Hong Kong and Singapore. They ask, was their input an example of democratisation, resistance, personal branding, or fan communion? Did some celebrities misread the room or provide affective responses for ordinary people to gather around? Did celebrities in Asia speak for or against the imagined nation state or offer new transnational relationships? Q&A follows the discussion.
Dr Crystal Abidin, Senior Research Fellow & ARC DECRA Fellow, Internet Studies, Curtin University
Dr Bertha Chin, Lecturer (Social Media) , School of Design and Arts, Swinburne University of Technology (Sarawak campus)
Dr Dorothy W. S. LAU, Assistant Professor, Programme Director, Film and Television Concentration, Academy of Film, Hong Kong Baptist University
Dr Nandana Bose, Ph.D. Film Studies, University of Nottingham, Author of Madhuri Dixit (BFI: 2019)
Sean Redmond, Professor of Screen and Design, Deakin University
Details about the network: https://www.facebook.com/groups/220341592560951/
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