[csaa-forum] CFP: New York City Conference 2021
City Tech – CUNY
info at parade-conference.com
Mon Apr 13 22:34:17 ACST 2020
City Tech - CUNY. Virtual and in-person conference with Routledge
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City Tech - CUNY and the American University in Dubai
Conferences examining the design, planning, economics & sustainability of cities.
Place: Virtual / City Tech, CUNY, New York
Dates: 16-18 June, 2021
Early Abstracts: 30th June 2020
https://architecturemps.com/new-york-2021 (https://architecturemps.com/new-york 2021/)
Place: Virtual / American University in Dubai
Dates: 22-24 November, 2020
Early Abstracts: 30th June 2020
Architecture | Planning | Urbanism | Sustainability | Construction | Built Environment | Transportation | Technology | Infrastructure | Policy | Urban Economics | Management
In-person, pre-recorded presentations, Zoom, written papers
Routledge | UCL Press
This conference takes place in the site of EXPO 2020/21: Dubai. For many, the phenomenon of the EXPO is the epitome of contemporary fast-paced design and development. Commercially driven, built at break neck speed, premised on instant urban planning, and founded on spectacle architecture as an economic catalyst and marketing exercise, EXPO 2020 has all these traits. However, it also presents itself as responsive to social and environmental concerns. It is powered by solar arrays, recycles wastewater and monitors its carbon footprint. It touts its long-term plan for housing and mixed-use development post EXPO. It is themed around opportunity, mobility and sustainability. Picking up on these dichotomies, this event seeks to examine the dialectic, tensions, problems and possibilities of architecture and urbanism as technologically imbued, fast-paced commercial exercises. It welcomes contributions from a range of disciplines.
Submit an abstract: https://architecturemps.com/dubai-2020/
The premise of this conference is that the city is a site of interconnected problems and solutions operative across disciplines, both today, and in the future. While issues of architectural design, urbanization, urban economics resilience, housing and healthy cities, etc. all respond to their own unique and independent demands, they are also interrelated. As a result, innovations in one area are useful in another. This conference suggests that: i) nowhere is this interrelated dynamic more evidence than in the issue of climate change and ii) that the host city, New York, offers a perfect example of the interconnected urban phenomena. On that basis, it seeks to instigate interdisciplinary debate on initiatives in specific fields with the objective of offering a fuller and broader understanding of our work and its potential impact inside and outside our own disciplinary boundaries.
Submit an abstract: https://architecturemps.com/new-york 2021/
Conferences (http://architecturemps.com/)
These conferences are organized through the coordination of several institutions internationally:
City Tech, New York City College of Technology
CUNY, The City University of New York
The American University in Dubai
School of Architecture, Art & Design
AMPS, Architecture, Media, Politics, Society
The academic journal Architecture_MPS
PARADE, Publication & Research in Architecture, Design & Environments
UCL Press
Routledge, Taylor & Francis
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Copyright © 2020 City Tech, CUNY / American University in Dubai / AMPS, All rights reserved.
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City Tech - CUNY . 300 Jay St . Brooklyn, New York 11201 . USA
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