[csaa-forum] Call for Papers - Pan South Asian Subjectivities

Jayakrishnan Sreekumar jksmenonster at gmail.com
Thu Jan 23 20:44:30 ACST 2020

Dear colleagues,

We would like to invite all the scholars based in Australia, New Zealand
and neighbouring islands to contribute research essays/working notes for
consideration to be published in the Special Issue of the *South Asian
Popular Culture* Journal on Pan South Asian Subjectivities. Please find
below the details of the Call For Papers.

*Pan South Asian Subjectivities*  – Call for Papers

Special Issue of the *South Asian Popular Culture *Journal

The proposed Special Issue examines contemporary popular culture
expressions in the pan-South Asian diaspora in Australia, New Zealand, and
neighbouring islands focusing on the articulation of pan South Asian
subjectivities. The issue is interested in exploring the tracks and traces
of migratory patterns that have emerged or are emerging; interrogating the
multiple gendered, raced, hybridized, and marginalized popular cultural
practices within the pan South Asian community space, examining the impact
of these cultural practices on broader social, political, and economic
issues both globally and in relation to issues specific to South Asia; and
theorizing how to conceptually articulate the popular cultures expressed
by communities inhabiting a pan South Asian space.

The papers solicited for this proposal will be diverse in terms of its
contexts, popular performances (art, music, dance, other performances,
print, theatre, radio, film/cinema/TV, digital, etc.), topics (race,
gender, politics, sexuality, and generational differences for example), and
theoretical approaches. We anticipate that the diverse popular culture
expressions that the Issue explores will be framed by theoretical positions
that sets out a speculative framework for articulating pan South Asian

Accordingly, we welcome papers on a wide range of popular culture practices
and expressions in the pan-South Asian diaspora in Australia, New Zealand,
and neighbouring islands. We are soliciting research-based essays as well
as Working Notes from postgraduate scholars. Working Notes is a space for
Postgraduate student to detail projects that they are working on.

Research Essays should be between 6000-7000 words and Working Notes should
be between 800-1000 words.

Please send a 300 word abstract with 5 keywords for consideration by 31
January 2020 to the special issue editors:

Vijay Devadas, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand (
vijay.devadas at aut.ac.nz)

Jayakrishnan Sreekumar, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand (
jayakrishnan.sreekumar at aut.ac.nz)

Following notification of acceptance of abstract, full papers and Working
Notes will be due by 30 April 2020 (with final revised papers, if accepted,
due by 31 May 2020).

For more information on the journal, and its style requirements, please
see: https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rsap20/current.

Warm regards,

Guest Editors, Vijay Devadas and Jayakrishnan Sreekumar
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