[csaa-forum] Call for papers: Digital Intimacies 5
Emily van der Nagel
emily.vandernagel at monash.edu
Fri May 24 13:45:00 ACST 2019
Dear CSAA members,
We'd like to invite you to submit an abstract to the fifth Digital
Intimacies symposium, to be held at Monash University from 9-11 December
Our two esteemed keynote speakers will be Prof Bronwyn Carlson (whose work
and keynote we have profiled on digint19.tumblr.com) and Prof Mark
Andrejevic. Details on Mark's keynote will be announced shortly, but rest
assured both keynotes are bound to be excellent and will address different
aspects of this year's theme - *Digital Intimacies 5: Structures, Cultures,
We hope you will consider joining us. Please send us your abstracts or
panel ideas, and also circulate this CFP to anyone you think may be
Very best,
Emily van der Nagel (on behalf of Brady Robards, Akane Kanai, and Ben
In its fifth year, Digital Intimacies continues to bring scholars of
digital culture together across disciplines including media and
communication, cultural studies, sociology, anthropology and gender studies.
According to Andreassen et al (2017), digital intimacies, as a now
burgeoning field of research, has grown out of two traditions. One is
characterised by the work of Kenneth Plummer, characterising intimacy as
part of the trajectory of late modernity, de-traditionalisation, and
complexification in human relationships; the other is driven by the work of
Lauren Berlant, who questions intimacy as an already public discourse, with
a normative dimension attached to investments in heterosexuality,
conventionality and desires for recognition. Other voices have attempted to
respond to the analytical agendas of both these traditions, suggesting we
need to become more safely public, breaking open conventional cloaks of
‘privacy’ and redefining the intimate as an expanded space of care (Dobson,
Carah and Robards 2018; Chun 2016).
In the ‘economies of visibility’ (Banet-Weiser 2018) that permeate digital
networks and beyond, what are the relationalities that an expanded
‘intimacy’ requires and instantiates? What are the transformations needed
to shift from the ambient ‘intimacy’ of hyper-connected environments to
practices of ‘care’? Is being intimate with others always a form of ‘being
there for others’? How is the everyday connectedness of digital
architectures and rhythms linked to experiences of contingency and
flexibility in increasingly time-poor, precarious, and complex lives? In
what instances, to butcher Foucault’s words, might ‘intimacy’ be a trap?
This year, we call for papers that consider the politics of intimacy, and
the ways in which intimacy shapes and is shaped by cultures, structures,
and power in differing contexts.
We welcome papers exploring topics including but not restricted to:
- Digital intimacies and care / social reproduction
- Unequal intimacies
- Intimacies and power relations
- Intimacies and listening
- Intimacies, surveillance, and automation
- Digital intimacies and emotional capitalism
- Intimacies of digital political movements ranging from feminism to the
far right
- Digital intimacies and whiteness/Eurocentrism
We are calling for individual paper presentations of 15-20 minutes, along
with pre-formulated panels of four members who each give a five minute
introductory presentation, then engage each other and the audience in a
discussion that finds connections between their research.
By June 6, please send 250 word abstracts for individual papers, and up to
500 word proposals for panels, to digint19 at gmail.com. Decisions will be
returned by the end of June.
Dr Emily van der Nagel
Lecturer in Social Media
Communications and Media Studies
School of Media, Film and Journalism
Monash University
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