[csaa-forum] CSAA Conference 2019: Multiple Bursaries Available
Elizabeth Stephens
e.stephens at uq.edu.au
Wed May 22 12:11:51 ACST 2019
Dear colleagues,
In the wake of last weekend's election results, it has been most heartening to read through the great deluge of abstracts just submitted for this year's CSAA conference at UQ. So much important, engaged and exciting work! The organising team are delighted and overwhelmed by the response to the CFPs. It is clear we will all have out work cut out for us in the three years ahead.
Please note that we anticipate sending out notifications by the end of June.
In recognition of the increasingly precarious circumstances in which many of us work, the UQ CSAA conference team are pleased to announce three bursary schemes available to support attendance at the conference, generously supported by our three valued sponsors: the CSAA, Australian Feminist Studies, and Continuum.
Information about the bursary schemes can be found here:
Conference Bursaries<https://csaaconference2019.wordpress.com/conference-bursaries/>
This page contains information about the CSAA conference bursary schemes. There are three separate bursary schemes available. CSAA Conference Bursary Scheme 2019 CSAA is very pleased to announce it…
Please direct any inquiries about these to the conference email address: csaaconf2019 at gmail.com
We are looking forward to seeing many of you in the first week of December at UQ!
Best wishes,
Elizabeth Stephens
ARC Future Fellow/Associate Professor of Cultural Studies
President, Cultural Studies Association of Australia
Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities
University of Queensland Australia 4072
T: + 61 7 3365 7183 E: e.stephens at uq.edu.au W: http://uq.academia.edu/ElizabethStephens<https://exchange.uq.edu.au/owa/redir.aspx?C=c9c1382619904792917762425ca21fe4&URL=http%3a%2f%2fuq.academia.edu%2fElizabethStephens>
New book: Normality: A Critical Genealogy
UQ ALLY: Supporting the diversity of sexuality and gender at UQ<https://staff.uq.edu.au/information-and-services/human-resources/diversity/sexuality/ally-network>.
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