[csaa-forum] CFPs CSAA Conference: UQ, Dec 4-6 2019
Elizabeth Stephens
e.stephens at uq.edu.au
Mon Feb 11 08:30:54 ACST 2019
CALL FOR PAPERS: Abstracts Due 30 April, 2019
CSAA Conference 2019: Cultural Transformations
University of Queensland, Dec 4 – 6, 2019
We are pleased to announce that the 2019 CSAA Conference will be held at the University of Queensland from Wednesday December 4 to Friday December 6. The conference will be preceded on Tuesday December 3 by a one-day event, “Prefix,” designed for HDR and ECR researchers.
Confirmed Keynotes
* Associate Professor Mel Chen, Associate Professor of Gender and Women's Studies at U.C. Berkeley and Director of the Centre for the Study of Sexual Culture
* Professor Bronwyn Carlson, Professor and Head of Indigenous Studies, Macquarie University
* Professor Jean Burgess, Director, Digital Media Research Centre, Queensland University of Technology
Conference Theme: Cultural Transformations
It now seems that the future is no longer rushing to meet us but has already arrived. The speed and extent of the cultural transformations currently taking place around us raise urgent and imperative questions. Cultural studies researchers have recently turned to examine these questions across a representatively broad range of fields, including gender and sexuality studies, critical race and disability studies, film and media studies, internet and digital cultural studies, affect studies and the environmental humanities. Yet significant work remains to be done. How are we to respond most effectively to such issues as the disappearance of salaried jobs and their replacement with a gig economy, to climate change and species extinction, to the rise of “populism” and the new right, as well as the ever-worsening treatment of refugee and indigenous populations, to the systemic gender and sexuality-based disadvantage revealed by #metoo and the divisive SSM poll, to the emergence of AI and algorithmic logics, as well as gene-editing and other biomedical technologies?
The 2019 conference of the Cultural Studies Association of Australasia aims to provide a forum at which both the challenges posed and the opportunities afforded by these transformations can be collectively addressed. Taking as its theme “Cultural Transformations,” the conference welcomes proposals for papers or panels that address this topic from a diverse and inclusive range of perspectives, as well as general papers in Cultural Studies.
Further Information
Further information regarding conference streams, deadlines and abstract submission will soon be available on the conference website: www.csaaconference2019.wordpress.com. For more information, please email the organising team: csaaconf2019 at gmail.com.
Elizabeth Stephens
ARC Future Fellow/Associate Professor of Cultural Studies
President, Cultural Studies Association of Australia
Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities
University of Queensland Australia 4072
T: + 61 7 3365 7183 E: e.stephens at uq.edu.au W: http://uq.academia.edu/ElizabethStephens<https://exchange.uq.edu.au/owa/redir.aspx?C=c9c1382619904792917762425ca21fe4&URL=http%3a%2f%2fuq.academia.edu%2fElizabethStephens>
UQ ALLY: Supporting the diversity of sexuality and gender at UQ<https://staff.uq.edu.au/information-and-services/human-resources/diversity/sexuality/ally-network>
New book: Normality: A Critical Genealogy
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