[csaa-forum] Religion and Society Research Cluster seminar , WSU

Cristina Rocha C.Rocha at westernsydney.edu.au
Thu Jul 5 00:39:48 ACST 2018

Dear all,

I'm pleased to invite you to a seminar at the Religion and Society Research Cluster, WSU.

Date: 2 August 2018
Time: 14:00-15:30
Venue: Parramatta South Campus, Room EB.G.02
Speaker: Associate Prof Kamaludeen Mohamed Nasir

Title: 'Live it and Spit it': Hip Hop and the Globalized Muslim Youth of the Asia Pacific

This talk will explore the appropriation of hip hop music by young Muslims in the Asia Pacific. The genre which initially comes as a challenge to religious authorities and the state has developed from a stigmatized art form to one that has been co-opted by grassroots organizations and government ministries. The presentation will delve into the different strategies adopted by hip hoppers to not only reconcile their multiple identities but also to ensure the advancement of their craft.

Bio: Kamaludeen Mohamed Nasir is an Associate Professor of Sociology and is the 2016 Western Sydney University International Alumni of the Year. In 2017, he won the Nanyang Research Award for being one of the three best young professors university wide. He is the author of five books namely, Muslims as Minorities: History and Social Realities of Muslims in Singapore (2009), Muslims in Singapore: Piety, Politics and Policies (2010), The Future of Singapore: Population, Society and the Nature of the State (2014), Digital Culture and Religion in Asia (2016) and Globalized Muslim Youth in the Asia Pacific: Popular Culture in Singapore and Sydney (2016). He is currently the Director of Peace Studies at the United Nations Association of Singapore.

Please RSVP c.rocha at westernsydney.edu.au<mailto:c.rocha at westernsydney.edu.au> by Friday 27 July.


Associate Professor Cristina Rocha|ARC Future Fellow
Director of Religion and Society Research Cluster
Western Sydney University
President: Australian Association for the Study of Religion<https://www.aasr.org.au/>
Editor: Journal of Global Buddhism<http://www.globalbuddhism.org/>
Editor: Religion in the Americas series, Brill <http://www.brill.com/publications/religion-americas-series>

New book: John of God: The Globalization of Brazilian Faith Healing<https://global.oup.com/academic/product/john-of-god-9780190466718?q=rocha&lang=en&cc=us> (OUP, 2017)

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