[csaa-forum] Screen Production Research Engagement and Impact Symposium

Bettina Frankham Bettina.Frankham at uts.edu.au
Thu Oct 26 11:28:26 ACST 2017

Screen Production Research Engagement and Impact - A One-Day Symposium

While the screen production discipline is firmly getting to grips with what it means to research about, for and with the screen, a new research challenge emerges - how to see this research as engaging with those beyond the academy, and having impact. In many ways this new challenge should be easy for screen production, given the nature of its form, audience and intent; but it is not so easy when we put research into the mix. What is the relationship between research and engagement? How can impact be measured in relation to research intentions and contribution?

Supported by the peak body for screen production education and research in Australia - ASPERA - this one-day symposium connects the academy with industry to ask these very questions and ?explore possible strategies. As well as leading screen production and creative practice researchers, the symposium will benefit from the participation of key figures from the screen and affiliated industries, including Screen Australia, SBS and the Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences.

Although there is a screen production research focus to the day, the Symposium may also be relevant to other creative practice and cultural researchers who are similarly grappling with the implications of the Federal Government's National Innovation and Science Agenda (NISA).

To register go to http://bit.ly/spreis


11.15am - 11.30am - Acknowledgement of country and welcome

11.30 -12.30pm - Keynote
Distinguished Professor Jen Webb, Director, Centre for Creative and Cultural Research, University of Canberra

12.30 - 1.30pm - Panel 1: Academics
Led by Associate Professor Philip McIntyre (University of Newcastle)
With Dr Marsha Berry (RMIT University), Dr Bettina Frankham (UTS), Dr Susan Kerrigan (University of Newcastle) and Associate Professor James Verdon (Swinburne University of Technology).

1.30 - 2.15pm Lunch

2.15 - 3.00pm Panel 2: Industry
Led by Professor Jock Given (Swinburne University of Technology)
With Patrick May (Screen Australia), Dr John Hughes (Filmmaker), Saskia Ilott (SBS) and Matthew Connell (Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences).

3.00 - 3.45pm Panel 3: Research Leaders
Led by Associate Professor Craig Batty (RMIT)
With Professor Alan McKee (UTS), Professor Paul Egglestone (University of Newcastle), Professor Heather Horst (University of Sydney) and Professor Ross Gibson (University of Canberra).

3.45 - 4.00 Short break

4.00 -  5.00pm Plenary and summary?

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