[csaa-forum] CfP JEMS Proposal: Migration and the Politics of Affect
Michele Lobo
michele.lobo at deakin.edu.au
Tue Oct 10 09:38:38 ACST 2017
Dear Friends
We welcome your abstract.
2nd CfP JEMS Proposal: Migration and the Politics of Affect
Editors: Amy Frances Wishart Corcoran, Isabel Meier and Michele Lobo
Special Issue Proposal: Call for Papers on
Deadline: 13th of October 2017
We invite papers for a special issue proposal to The Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies (JEMS) exploring the relationship between migration and the politics of affect. Please pass this CfP through your networks to anyone you feel might be interested in contributing.
We live in an area of increasing securitisation and border regimes. The nation-state, as well as everyday bordering, has become a major technology of control (Yuval-Davis, Wemyss & Cassidy, 2017). These bordering practices impact the everyday lives of many migrants worldwide. At the same time, various forms of resistance have developed in the everyday - in activist and solidarity spaces, camps, art and research - which challenge and contest these increasingly violent and invasive practices.
A growing volume of academic work focuses on the politics of affect (for example, Ahmed, 2014; Coleman, 2013; Massumi, 2015; Stewart, 2007; Thrift, 2008). This special issue will explore the politics of affect in the context of irregular migration and border regimes, which often escape theories and methodologies. Accepted papers will demonstrate the material, sensory, affective dimensions of everyday bordering experiences of migrants or how subjects in the context of increasing securitisation and control politicise affect in order to challenge or resist these technologies.
This special issue aims at bringing together insights from across disciplinary fields. We welcome abstracts from scholars, artists, activists and practitioners, and non-academics who explore the affective nature of migration.
As the focus of this special edition is on understanding the more holistic experience of migration, we seek to mirror that in the way the edition is structured and understood by the reader. Therefore, we especially invite creative response to the call (which might include photo-essays, interviews, shorter articles, "blog" style posts or artist statements).
Possible themes may address but are not limited to:
* The intersection between the politics of affect, irregular migration and the everyday
* Emotions, discursive structures and embodied realities of produced by irregular status
* Affect as a tool of resistance: how do subjects politicise affect to challenge or resist everyday bordering experiences
* Sensory ethnography, affective methodologies and writing approaches that allow for a more embodied account of the lived experiences
Please send title and abstract of no more than 250 words no later than FRIDAY OCTOBER 13th 2017.
Abstracts and enquiries should be sent to:
Amy Frances Wishart Corcoran a.f.w.corcoran at qmul.ac.uk<mailto:a.f.w.corcoran at qmul.aco.uk> AND Isabel Meier i.meier at uel.ac.uk<mailto:i.meier at uel.ac.uk>
Deadline for proposals: 13th of October 2017
Acceptance: No later than November 2017
Deadline for first-drafts: End of February 2018
Kind Regards
Michele Lobo
Dr Michele Lobo
Alfred Deakin Institute for Citizenship and Globalisation
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway, Burwood 3125, Melbourne, Australia
Email: Michele.Lobo at deakin.edu.au<mailto:Michele.Lobo at deakin.edu.au>
Twitter: @michelelobo29
Web: http://www.deakin.edu.au/about-deakin/people/michele-lobo
Editor, Social & Cultural Geography http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/rscg20
Twitter: SocCultGeog
Editor, Book Reviews/Critical Dialogues, Postcolonial Studies Journal
Lobo, M. (2017). Re-framing the creative city: Fragile friendships and affective art spaces
in Darwin, Australia. Special issue article: Urban friendship networks: Affective
negotiations in the city (eds) L Kathiravelu and T Bunnell Urban Studies
Lobo, M. (2017). Celebrating Indian culture: festival spaces and entangled lives in Darwin, North Australia. Routledge Handbook of
the Indian Diaspora (eds) R S Hegde andA K Sahoo, Routledge: London and New York, pp. 241-251
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