[csaa-forum] PhD course - "Discourse Studies and Method: Using Discourse-Theoretical Analysis and Discursive-Material Analysis"

nico carpentier nico.carpentier at vub.ac.be
Wed Oct 11 01:17:18 ACST 2017

[with apologies for cross-posting]

One week-PhD course "Discourse Studies and Method: Using 
Discourse-Theoretical Analysis and Discursive-Material Analysis"
5 February - 9 February 2018
by Nico Carpentier


The basics about the course

Course title: Discourse Studies and Method: Using Discourse-Theoretical 
Analysis and Discursive-Material Analysis
Course coordinator and leader: Professor Nico Carpentier
Course credits: 5 credits.
Course timing: 5 February - 9 February 2018
Course location: Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden

Course background and purpose

The course aims to discuss two methods in the field of discourse 
studies: Discourse-theoretical analysis (DTA) and Discursive-material 
analysis (DMA). Both are grounded in so-called high theory, with 
discourse theory as its main starting point, but with elements of actor 
network theory and new materialism. This course will start with an 
introduction to these theoretical models, but will then move on to their 
analytical deployment in communication and media studies research.

Special attention will be spent on the creation of a theory-grounded 
analytical model to guide the research. Apart from attending lectures, 
participants will be expected to participate in both theoretical and 
research-driven workshops.

Learning outcomes

On completion of this unit successful students will be able to:

-have a deeper understanding of the field of discourse studies, and in 
particular of its discourse-theoretical component
-have a deeper understanding of the theoretical relationship between the 
discursive and the material -know how to translate discourse-theoretical 
models into analytical practice, through the use of the notion of the 
sensitizing concept (applied to discourse theory, and to 
discourse-theoretical rereading of other theories) -be able to set up an 
analytical model for a discourse-theoretical analysis and a 
discursive-material analysis

Teaching and evaluation

The one-week course will be organised in 10 teaching slots, combining 
lectures and workshops. These workshops are partially theoretical 
(presenting an article or chapter), and partially research-driven 
(presenting an analytical model).

The grade Pass or Fail is given after 1) attendance of minimally 8 
meetings, 2) a working group theoretical presentation, 3) an individual 
case study presentation.

Available participant slots and costs

A total number of 20 participant slots are available. 40% of these are 
earmarked for Uppsala University PhD researchers. Participation is free 
of charge, but participants are required to pay themselves for their 
travel and accommodation costs, and all other expenses.


Please use the registration form to register for the Discourse Studies 
and Method PhD course (available when registration is open). 
Registration opens on 9 October 2017 and will close on 15 January 2018, 
unless the maximum number of participants is reached earlier.

Contact information

-Registration: Christian Sandström at christian.sandstrom at im.uu.se
-Course content: Nico Carpentier, see 

Course readings

Main reading:

Carpentier, Nico (2017) The Discursive-Material Knot: Cyprus in Conflict 
and Community Media Participation. New York: Peter Lang.

Secondary readings:

Butler, Judith (1993) Bodies that matter. On the discursive limits of 
'sex'. New York, London: Routledge.

Dolphijn, Rick, van der Tuin, Iris (2012) New materialism: Interviews 
and cartographies. Ann Arbor: Open humanities press.

Glynos, Jason, Howarth, David (2007) Logics of critical explanation in 
social and political theory. London and New York: Routledge.

Howarth, David (2000) Discourse. Buckingham, Philadelphia: Open 
University Press.

Howarth, David (2012) "Hegemony, political subjectivity, and radical 
democracy", in Simon Critchley and Oliver Marchart (eds.) Laclau: A 
critical reader. London: Routledge, pp. 256-276.

Howarth, David, Stavrakakis, Yannis (2000) “Introducing discourse theory 
and political analysis”, in David Howarth, Aletta J. Norval and Yannis 
Stavrakakis (eds.) Discourse theory and political analysis. Manchester: 
Manchester University Press, pp. 1-23.

Laclau, Ernesto, Chantal Mouffe (1985) Hegemony and Socialist Strategy: 
Towards a Radical Democratic Politics. London: Verso.

Latour, Bruno (2005) Reassembling the social. An introduction to 
Actor-network-theory. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Mouffe, Chantal (2005) On the Political. London: Routledge.

Phillips, Louise, Jørgensen, Marianne W. (2002) Discourse Analysis as 
Theory and Method. London: Sage.

Spivak, Gayatri Chakravorty (1988) "Can the subaltern speak?", in Cary 
Nelson and Lawrence Grossberg (eds.) Marxism and the Interpretation of 
Culture. Urbana and Chicago: University of Illinois Press, pp. 271-313.

Torfing, Jacob (1999) New Theories of Discourse. Laclau, Mouffe and 
Žižek. Oxford: Blackwell.

Additional information

The Destination Uppsala website:

Professor Nico Carpentier
Out now:
Cyprus in Conflict and Community Media Participation
Web: http://nicocarpentier.net/
Uppsala University, Department of Informatics and Media
Kyrkogårdsgatan 10, 753 13 Uppsala, Sweden
Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) - Free University of Brussels
& Charles University in Prague
The Commlist
Researching and Teaching Communication Book Series
European Media and Communication Doctoral Summer School
International Association for Media and Communication Research
Centre for the study of Democracy, Signification and Resistance
E-mail (UUppsala): nico.carpentier at im.uu.se
E-mail (VUBrussels): nico.carpentier at vub.ac.be
T (UUppsala): +46 (0)18 471 6341
Room (UUppsala): Ekonomikum building E329
Web: http://nicocarpentier.net/

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