[csaa-forum] CFP: Indigenous innovation in social media - Abstracts due 15 June
Tanja Dreher
tanjad at uow.edu.au
Tue May 2 14:19:19 ACST 2017
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Call for Papers: Indigenous innovation in social media
Media International Australia http://journals.sagepub.com/home/mia
Theme Issue: Indigenous Innovation in Social Media
Theme Issue Editors: Prof Bronwyn Carlson (Macquarie University), A/Prof Tanja Dreher (University of New South Wales)
Abstracts due by 15 June 2017
Despite often being stereotyped as somehow anti-technology, researchers have found that Indigenous people globally engage with social media at high rates—often higher than non-Indigenous people (Callinan 2014). Indigenous people use social media for a great variety of ends, including connecting with family and community (Carlson 2013; O’Carroll 2013), mourning the death of loved ones (Carlson and Frazer 2015), and seeking and giving support (Carlson et al. 2015). Over the last decade, an important body of scholarly work has emerged focusing on Indigenous peoples’ use of social media for political activities (Petray 2013; Tupper 2014; Carlson and Frazer 2016; Berglund 2016). The ability to create international solidarity as well as elevating Indigenous issues to a global platform remain key strengths for Indigenous activism.
The theme of this Issue is ‘Indigenous innovation in social media’. It will foreground Indigenous voices on, and expertise with innovative uses of social media. Research and policy is too often framed by a ‘deficit discourse’ regarding Indigenous people (Fforde et al. 2013). In contrast, this Theme Issue aims to showcase Indigenous excellence, innovation and achievement. We welcome contributions that focus on, for example, comedic resistance on YouTube, Facebook-enabled cultural practices, campaigns such as #JustJustice, #IHMayDay and #IdleNoMore, new apps to stream Indigenous media and Deadly Bloggers, from social media activism to everyday social media creativity.
The collection also encourages papers from presenters at several highly successful events convened by the Forum for Indigenous Research Excellence (FIRE) at the University of Wollongong (UOW), including the symposiums, Cultured Queer, Queering Cultures: Indigenous Perspectives on Queerness and Reterritorialising Social Media: Indigenous People Rise Up! (UOW 2015); #IHMayDay16 (UOW 2016) and the Indigenous panel ‘Indigenous innovation in social media’ (ANZCA 2016).
This Theme Issue privileges Indigenous voices, however non-Indigenous contributions will be considered if the primary author is Indigenous.
Support for less experienced Indigenous contributors, especially early career researchers and Post Graduate students, will be provided by facilitating opportunities to work with Indigenous and/or non-Indigenous co-authors.
We are inviting proposals for contributions that address the broad themes of Indigenous innovation in social media.
15 June 2017: abstracts due
15 July 2017: authors notified of decision
15 January 2018: paper due for refereeing
15 May 2018: revised papers due
November 2018: Theme Issue published by Media International Australia
About the editors:
Prof Bronwyn Carlson (Macquarie University)
Bronwyn Carlson is an Aboriginal woman who was born on and lives on D’harawal Country in NSW. She has been awarded two consecutive Australian Research Council Discovery Indigenous grants for her research on Indigenous people and social media. Aboriginal Studies Press has recently published her book, The politics of identity: who counts as Aboriginal today? which includes a chapter on identity and community on social media. She is currently a Professor of Indigenous Studies at Macquarie University. She has previously co-edited themed issues for the Australasian Journal for Information Systems, ‘Indigenous people and activism on social media’ Carlson, B., Wilson, A.& Sciascia, A. (2017) and AlterNative: An International Journal of Indigenous Peoples, ‘Indigenous people, popular pleasure and the everyday’ Carlson, B. & Harris M. (2016).
A/Prof Tanja Dreher (UNSW)
Tanja Dreher is an ARC Future Fellow in the School of Arts and Media at the University of New South Wales. Tanja’s research focuses on the politics of speaking and listening in the context of media and multiculturalism, Indigenous sovereignties, feminisms and anti-racism. She has previously edited themed editions of Continuum, borderlands, and Transforming Cultures journals, as well as the book Dreher, T. and Ho, C. (eds) (2009), Beyond the Hijab Debates: New conversations on gender, race and religion with Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
For further details on the Theme Issue, or to submit an abstract for consideration, please email Tanja Dreher t.dreher at unsw.edu.au<mailto:t.dreher at unsw.edu.au> or Bronwyn Carlson bronwyn.carlson at mq.edu.au
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Submissions should include a Title, abstract (200 words) and author bio (150 words). Please attach these details in a WORD document and send via email to the Editors by 15 June, 2017
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