[csaa-forum] Cultural Fields, Creative Vocations: April 4 - 6

Scott.Brook Scott.Brook at canberra.edu.au
Thu Mar 9 10:23:12 ACST 2017

Dear all,

Please see below for links to the program of events for Vincent Dubois’ visit to the CCCR.

For those interested in the masterclass on April 5, there are still places available. Please email a 300 word statement about your current research to Katie Hayne (Katie.Hayne at canberra.edu.au<mailto:Katie.Hayne at canberra.edu.au>) by March 13.

*Cultural Fields, Creative Vocations*

Public Lecture: *A Critical View on French Cultural Policy, from Myth to Disillusionment*
Vincent Dubois, University of Strasbourg
Tuesday 4 April, 5:30 for drinks, 6pm lecture

Nishi Gallery, New Acton, Canberra

Free registration via Eventbrite<https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/public-lecture-a-critical-view-on-french-cultural-policy-from-myth-to-disillusionment-tickets-32612558039>

French cultural policy is often regarded as a ‘model’ since its foundation in the early 1960s. However, in France, the ‘crisis’ of national cultural policy has been endlessly discussed since the 1980s. This disillusionment is partly due to over-estimation of the model’s consistency from the outset. In this lecture I will look at the foundations of French cultural policy, showing that the present difficulties stem from the model’s foundational ambiguities and contradictions. I will thus offer a critical view of the legacy of a policy that has been vigorously pursued over the last fifty years and analyse the difficulties it currently faces and their roots.

*New Perspectives on Cultural Domination: a masterclass with Vincent Dubois*
Wednesday 5 April, 10am–3pm

Clive Price Suite, Building 1

University of Canberra

Please email a short statement about your research to Katie.Hayne at canberra.edu.au<mailto:Katie.Hayne at canberra.edu.au> by 13 March.

The hypothesis according to which we can draw a parallel between social and cultural domination has been intensely discussed during the past decades. In this presentation I will discuss the relevance of this framework when applied to “lowbrow” forms of culture. In this case, what are the social conditions for cultural domination to exert its effects? To address this question I will reflect on the social organisation of cultural and artistic activities, of its impact on the definition of the value of cultural goods, and therefore on the conditions under which “lowbrow” culture can escape cultural domination and obtain a certain degree of symbolic autonomy. This will be the occasion to discuss the ambiguous role of cultural policies and institutions in this process, and to address the sociological debate on the uses of the notions of worlds, fields and networks. To illustrate these theoretical debates and propositions, I will draw on empirical research conducted in France on cultural policies and amateur music.

Symposium: *Rethinking the Cultural Field*
Thursday 6 April, 9.30am–4pm
Clive Price Suite, Building 1
University of Canberra

Free registration via Eventbrite<https://rethinkingculturalfield.eventbrite.com.au/>

This 1 day symposium brings together researchers undertaking empirical work on the cultural field in order to consider the opportunities, challenges and limits of cultural field theory.

From social stratification to the cultural field: the genesis of career choices in cultural occupations
Vincent Dubois (keynote lecture)

Designer, Artisan, Artist, Craftsperson: Distinction, Boundary Marking and Making's Fields
Jane Andrew and Susan Luckman

Art fields in time and space: some Australian issues
Tony Bennett

Social inertia and the artistic critique of work
Scott Brook

Whose culture? Whose field? Cultural production and consumption in a culturally complex society
Greg Noble

Mapping social interactions in online cultural fields
Mathieu O’Neil

Time, Space and the Scholarly Habitus: Thinking Through the Phenomenological Dimensions of Field
Megan Watkins

Conditions of entry to the field
Jen Webb

Scott Brook
Associate Professor
Centre for Creative and Cultural Research
University of Canberra

Recent CCCR publication
Pierre Bourdieu *Thinking about Art – at Art School*. Trans Michael Grenfell.
Available from Recent Work Press http://recentworkpress.com/store/products/thinking-about-art-at-art-school/

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