[csaa-forum] "Love in the Time of Postmodernity: Wong Kar-wai’s Hong Kong Romance" with Mark Steven
Sydney Screen Studies Network
sydneyscreenstudies at gmail.com
Wed Oct 5 06:29:20 ACST 2016
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** Love in the Time of Postmodernity: Wong Kar-wai’s Hong Kong Romance
Tuesday 11th October, 5 - 7.30pm
** Room 327, Robert Webster Building, UNSW
Wong Kar-wai has been labeled ‘the most romantic filmmaker in the world,’ and this paper explores the aesthetic on which such a claim depends. It asks how Wong’s signature style is specific to Hong Kong, and how that style and that location lend themselves so brilliantly to tales of love and romance. In short, the paper aims to locate Wong’s achievement within a tradition of romantic filmmaking that would otherwise seem historically extinct.
Dr Mark Steven is a Research Fellow in film at the Centre for Modernism Studies in
Australia, based at UNSW. He has published chapters and articles on the intersections of literature, film, and the economy. His research is motivated by an abiding interest in the antagonisms between communism and capitalism. He is the co-editor of Styles of Extinction: Cormac McCarthy’s The Road (Continuum, 2012) and The Cinema of Theo Angelopoulos (Edinburgh UP, 2015). m.steven at unsw.edu.au
Refreshments will be served during the seminar.
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