[csaa-forum] Call for papers Place, Politics and Privilege Conference Feb 2017

Christine Agius cagius at swin.edu.au
Sun Jun 19 11:00:43 ACST 2016

Hello, be very grateful if you can distribute this call for papers for the forthcoming CIDRN/IRN joint conference in Melbourne 2017


A research conference sponsored jointly by:

Community, Identity and Displacement Research Network, Victoria University, Australia


Identity Research Network, Swinburne University


To be held: Thursday 16-Friday 17 February 2017. Melbourne Australia

Flinders St Melbourne City Centre Campus, Victoria University

Displacement, rupture and transformation increasingly characterise the nature of 21st century belonging and space, with important implications for identities, change and resistance. Despite the ‘liquid’ nature and  fluidity of such movement, we are also witnessing struggles to reinscribe prevailing privilege and power relations. As nations and communities deal with mass migration, economic displacement and environmental impact, a variety of responses to crisis and resistance are emerging. Political communities and identities, which are organised non-hierarchically and defy territory, making use of virtual spaces, offer new ways of thinking about change, community and belonging. At the same time, we are also witnessing the revival of borders and the use of physical and virtual space to control and contain such impulses. From new cartographies and geographies, to different flows of life and modalities of organisation, space and place are constantly being revised and reinvented.

In this symposium, we analyse the problems and possibilities that emerge from these configurations in order to consider resistance and modes of identity and belonging.

We invite papers that address following themes from an interdisciplinary perspective:

  *   The politics of privilege, displacement and boundary-making: this can include urban design and built environment, architecture, political economy, security, and other fields
  *   Space, borders and belonging at the local, national or global scales, including the digital and non-material, as well as radical geographies which respond to mass migration, urban diversity and the reconfiguration of political space
  *   New meanings of community: this can include new strategies of cultural identity and resistance, new solidarities, and possibilities for belonging.

Abstracts to be sent to  CIDRN at vu.edu.au<https://webmail.vu.edu.au/owa/redir.aspx?SURL=rzj6mN0L0oBN9gZ5MC1RJXaONzd7PhIx2Nwb-E7wYgC5c5hjhYvTCG0AYQBpAGwAdABvADoAQwBJAEQAUgBOAEAAdgB1AC4AZQBkAHUALgBhAHUA&URL=mailto%3aCIDRN%40vu.edu.au> by 31 August 2016.

Abstract length 250, MS word format as email attachment with subject line PPPconference.abstract. Include your contact details in the abstract.

The conference will be followed by a refereed publication and all proposed contributions to this volume need to reach organisers by Friday 31 March 2017.

Further information from:

CIDRN at vu.edu.au<https://webmail.vu.edu.au/owa/redir.aspx?SURL=rzj6mN0L0oBN9gZ5MC1RJXaONzd7PhIx2Nwb-E7wYgC5c5hjhYvTCG0AYQBpAGwAdABvADoAQwBJAEQAUgBOAEAAdgB1AC4AZQBkAHUALgBhAHUA&URL=mailto%3aCIDRN%40vu.edu.au>

Christine Agius:  cagius at swin.edu.au<mailto:cagius at swin.edu.au>

Dr Christine Agius
Senior Lecturer in Politics & International Relations
Convenor: BA Politics and IR Major
Director: Identity Research Network<https://identityresearchnetwork.wordpress.com> | Facebook<https://www.facebook.com/groups/483362508472380/> | Twitter<https://twitter.com/IDResNet>

Faculty of Health, Arts and Design
Swinburne University of Technology
H98, PO Box 218, Hawthorn, 3122, Melbourne, Australia.
Telephone: + 61 3 9214 8584
Swinburne Faculty Profile<http://www.swinburne.edu.au/health-arts-design/staff-profiles/view.php?who=cagius> | Academia.edu<https://swinburne.academia.edu/ChristineAgius> | Twitter: @ChrisAgius13<https://twitter.com/ChrisAgius13>
Dr Christine Agius
Senior Lecturer in Politics & International Relations
Convenor: BA Politics and IR Major
Director: Identity Research Network<https://identityresearchnetwork.wordpress.com> | Facebook<https://www.facebook.com/groups/483362508472380/> | Twitter<https://twitter.com/IDResNet>

Faculty of Health, Arts and Design
Swinburne University of Technology
H98, PO Box 218, Hawthorn, 3122, Melbourne, Australia.
Telephone: + 61 3 9214 8584
Swinburne Faculty Profile<http://www.swinburne.edu.au/health-arts-design/staff-profiles/view.php?who=cagius> | Academia.edu<https://swinburne.academia.edu/ChristineAgius> | Twitter: @ChrisAgius13<https://twitter.com/ChrisAgius13>

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