[csaa-forum] XRoads 2016 Sydney

Marcelo Svirsky msvirsky at uow.edu.au
Sat Jun 18 10:56:26 ACST 2016

Dear colleagues,

It seems we have reached a new depth in the exclusionary fashion of academic conferences.
Please see image attached specifying the registration fees for the upcoming Crossroads Cultural Studies Conference at Sydney University to take place in December 2016.
There is no way these fees can be justified, not even with the alleged 'Assistance scheme' mentioned in the conference website.

If these fees are required for catering purposes, so let us keep conferences in a simpler way. If these fees are required to pay for keynote speakers, so I believe these scholars are able to institutionally or personally finance their trips.
It is not only that these fees are an impossible barrier for academics without tenure; they are also ridiculous for regularly salaried academics.

No need for fancy websites and receptions. Conferences should be spaces of intellectual interchange.

Marcelo Svirsky, UOW - Alana Lentin, UNSW
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