[csaa-forum] REMINDER: Minor Culture Abstracts Due June 30
Timothy Laurie
timothy.laurie at unimelb.edu.au
Fri Jun 26 14:48:49 ACST 2015
Minor Culture 2015: Abstracts due June 30
Conference for the Cultural Studies Association of Australasia
Nov 30-Dec 3, University of Melbourne
w: culture-communication.unimelb.edu.au/events/minor-culture-conference<http://culture-communication.unimelb.edu.au/events/minor-culture-conference>
Distinguished Professor Ien Ang (University of Western Sydney)
Professor Jose Neil C. Garcia (University of the Philippines Diliman, Quezon City)
Professor Meaghan Morris (University of Sydney & Lingnan University, Hong Kong)
Professor Tejaswini Niranjana (Centre for the Study of Culture & Society, Bangalore; Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai; Lingnan University, Hong Kong)
Minor Culture creates a space for inter-disciplinary dialogues around the study of place, identity and marginality, and addresses research on everyday cultural productions and media texts, cultural policy and discourses of sustainability, digital life and creative industries, and public cultures in the Asia-Pacific region. The conference also invites responses to the following questions:
* How are minor cultures inhabited? When do minor cultures become uninhabitable?
* How do categories such as indigeneity and Aboriginality, gender and sexuality, class, disability, race and citizenship produce minoritising effects? How might these categories change when mobilised through governmental discourses, newsmedia, and everyday usage?
* Who narrates experiences of minoritisation, and for whom? How is minoritarianism articulated through film, music, television, literature, performance, and digital cultures?
* How do practices of government shape relationships between local, national and transnational cultures?
* How do new minor or major cultural formations emerge? Through which means do political practices resist or intervene in these formations?
* Do minor cultures require novel theoretical tools or research methodologies? If so, what alternative kinds of knowledge could such approaches make available?
* What place could "majority" and "minority" have within post-anthropocentric thinking?
* And when do minor cultures cease to be minor?
Ghassan Hage, Patrick Wolfe, Tess Lea, Stephen Muecke: ‘Does Morality Need Decolonising? Towards Ethnographies of Minor Moralities’ (in conjunction with ‘Moral Horizons’, conference for the Australian Anthropological Society, ssps.unimelb.edu.au/events/5154)
Dennis Altman, Peter Jackson, Mark McLelland: ‘“Putting the ‘Global’ in Sexuality Studies: Reflections from Three Generations of Australian Researchers” (Chair: Fran Martin)
Rustom Bharucha: ‘The Aftermath: Reflections on Terror and Performance’ (Respondent: Joseph Pugliese; in conjunction with English and Theatre Studies at the University of Melbourne)
‘Orientalism’s Technē: The Cultural Politics of Technology and the Orient’ (Convenors: Gilbert Caluya & Jane Park)
‘Minor(ity) Cultures, Identity, Vulnerability and Resilience’ (Convenor: Rob Cover)
‘Pop-Up Economies: Placemaking, Urban Sociality and the Politics and Cultures of Transitory Public Spaces’ (Convenor: Susan Luckman)
Panizza Allmark, Dennis Altman, Ien Ang, Tony Bennett, Gemma Blackwood, Rustom Bharucha, Tony Birch, Rob Cover, Vijay Devadas, Catherine Driscoll, Gilbert Caluya, Neil Garcia, Ghassan Hage, Koichi Iwabuchi, Peter Jackson, Sue Luckman, Mark McLelland, Meaghan Morris, Stephen Muecke, Tejaswini Niranjana, Greg Noble, Rosemary Overell, Michelle Phillipov, Elspeth Probyn, Joseph Pugliese, Katrina Schlunke, Katsuhiko Suganuma, Graeme Turner, and Nabeel Zuberi.
The Prefix postgraduate day in 2015 will be divided into two halves, the first involving seminars and workshops on publishing in Cultural Studies (and adjacent disciplines), and the second involving discussions of Cultural Studies research outside the academy. Invited speakers include Associate Professor Panizza Allmark (Edith Cowan University), Professor Greg Noble (University of Western Sydney) and Associate Professor Chris Healy (University of Melbourne). These sessions will be followed by a social networking even, then drinks and nibbles in Carlton, near the University of Melbourne. Postgraduate and Early Career Researcher participants in ‘Minor Culture’ will automatically be accepted into the Prefix day.
Please email csaa2015 at lists.unimelb.edu.au by 30 June 2015 with:
* An abstract (250 words max.)
* A title for the presentation (15 words max.)
* A short bio (30 words max.) Include your name, email address, degree level and institutional affiliation. This should be included both in the body of the email and as an attachment
Panel proposals are welcome. In addition to submitting a 250 word abstract for each presenter, please submit an abstract (100 words) and a title (15 words max.) for the panel as a whole to csaa2015 at lists.unimelb.edu.au by June 30. As we have a tight schedule this year, panels will be limited to three persons each. Presenters will be notified of their acceptance in early July, 2015.
Travel bursaries will be made available to a limited number of postgraduates and Early Career Researchers attending ‘Minor Culture’. More information will be made available shortly, but if you have any urgent questions about funding support for the conference, please email csaa2015 at lists.unimelb.edu.au.
CONFERENCE CONVENORS (Cultural Studies, University of Melbourne)
Dr Rimi Khan (rpkhan at unimelb.edu.au)
Dr Timothy Laurie (timothy.laurie at unimelb.edu.au)
CONFERENCE ORGANISING (University of Melbourne)
Assoc. Professor Chris Healy (Screen and Cultural Studies)
Assoc. Professor Fran Martin (Screen and Cultural Studies)
Assoc. Professor Scott McQuire (Media and Communications)
Professor Angela Ndalianis (Screen and Cultural Studies)
Professor Nikos Papastergiadis (Director of the Research Unit in Public Cultures)
Assoc. Professor Audrey Yue (Screen and Cultural Studies)
w: culture-communication.unimelb.edu.au/events/minor-culture-conference<http://culture-communication.unimelb.edu.au/events/minor-culture-conference>
w: facebook.com/events/1376299406028329/<http://facebook.com/events/1376299406028329/>
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