[csaa-forum] MSCP Evening School and Badiou Conference open for registration

MSCP Convenor convenor at mscp.org.au
Tue Jul 22 08:34:45 CST 2014

The MSCP is proud to open the Evening School Sem2 2014 for enrolment. This
semester we have four courses running on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and
Thursday respectively. The Badiou conference (Fri Nov 7) is also open for
registration. Everyone should note that the Badiou conference is half price
for those enrolling in Evening School Sem2.

Full details and enrolment:

*Evening School Sem 2 2014*

The Works of Gilles Deleuze (Deleuze Seminar VII) Part 2
Lecturer: Dr Jon Roffe

Alain Badiou’s Interlocutors (Part 1)
Lecturer: Dr A.J. Bartlett

So, what was the enlightenment?
Lecturer: Dr Matthew Sharpe

Alain Badiou's Big Books Part 1: *Theory of the Subject*
Lecturer: Dr A.J. Bartlett

Full details and Enrolment
Note: Distance enrolment will open soon.

*Badiou Melbourne 2014*



*Public Lecture: 'Considerations on the world situation'*
7.30pm Thursday 6 November
Registration is currently available to those signing up for the Conference
and Semester 2 evening school. Further places will be made available at the
end of August.

10am - 5.30pm Friday 7 November
Fees: Unwaged: $40. Waged: $60.
Please Note: The conference is available at half price for attendees of the
Semester 2 evening school. If you intend to register for the Evening School
please use the Evening School Enrolment form which includes both the
conference and the public lecture.

*Master Class on Immanence of Truths*
Saturday 8 November
The masterclass is free but only available to those currently engaged in
tertiary-level research involving Badiou's works or a closely related
discipline. Applications to attend can be emailed direct to
ajbar at unimelb.edu.au . Acceptance is at the discretion of the organising


convenor at mscp.org.au
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