[csaa-forum] Art Association of Australia and New Zealand Conference December 2014

Llewellyn Negrin Llewellyn.Negrin at utas.edu.au
Mon May 12 10:58:24 CST 2014

The Art Association of Australia and New Zealand will be held from Friday 5 December – Monday 8 December 2014, Launceston, Tasmania

The 2014 annual conference of the Art Association Australia and New Zealand (AAANZ) will take place at the Inveresk Cultural Precinct, Launceston, Tasmania, 5-7 December 2014. Inveresk is a compact site on the edge of the LauncestonCBD, in walking distance of a range of accommodation, restaurants and cafes. The conference is hosted by the Tasmanian College of the Arts and the School ofArchitecture & Design (University of Tasmania) and Queen Victoria Museum and Art Gallery, Launceston. The first day of the conference will bededicated to postgraduate workshops, with conference presentations on 6-7 December. At the end of the conference, on Monday 8 December, there will be the option of a further day in Hobart, with time to visit to MONA.

The conference theme, GEOcritical, is a concoction that both delimits and opens up creative speculation, driving discussion on anything from intercultural critique to biennale culture, and beyond. GEOcritical will expose the driving issues for contemporary artists, writers, researchers, designers, curators, makers, architects and administrators coming from differently grounded and located practices, while strongly encouraging reflection on past practices and critical turns.

Conferenceinformation is made progressively available on the AAANZ website www.aaanz.info<http://www.aaanz.info> with broader discussion on the GEOcritical Facebook page. The call for session proposals is open until 23 May. A call for papers will be posted early June.

Keynote speakers are Jeff Malpas, Distinguished Professor, University of Tasmania; and  Mark Tribe, artist/ curator/ writer, School of Visual Arts, New York, with a further international speaker to be confirmedshortly.

Please visit www.aaanz.info for further information or contact
Helene Weeding: hweeding at utas.edu.
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