[csaa-forum] Invitation to the TASA 50th Anniversary Public Lecture, 12 September 2013
Institute for Culture and Society
ICS at uws.edu.au
Tue Aug 27 13:18:04 CST 2013
ICS cordially invites you to attend the 2013 Australian Sociological Association (TASA) 50th Anniversary Public Lecture on Thursday September 12, presented by the Institute for Culture and Society together with the School of Social Sciences and Psychology at UWS.
Professor David Rowe (ICS)<http://www.uws.edu.au/ics/people/researchers/david_rowe> will present the lecture for the evening, speaking on 'Sport: Scandal, Gender and the Nation'.
DATE: Thursday 12 September, 2013
TIME: 5.30pm - 8.00pm (including pre and post lecture refreshments)
VENUE: Jubilee Hall, Parramatta Town Hall<https://maps.google.com.au/maps?q=Parramatta+Town+Hall,+Church+Street,+Parramatta,+New+South+Wales&hl=en&sll=-33.796924,150.922433&sspn=2.033619,4.22699&oq=parramatta+town+hall&hq=Parramatta+Town+Hall,&hnear=Church+St,+Parramatta+New+South+Wales&t=m&z=16> (a short 2-minute walk from Parramatta train/bus station and Parramatta Westfield Shopping Centre)
RSVP: Admission is free but RSVP is essential. Please RSVP to c.nguy at uws.edu.au<https://email.uws.edu.au/owa/redir.aspx?C=JyD0bTpz902_YLslto0J2sQ_pkNNdtAIOlhxUHB0S6z8zYqIB-9kMUrxpc1dJO8euyKoYZTUiLI.&URL=mailto%3ac.nguy%40uws.edu.au> by 6 September
For more information, including the abstract of Professor Rowe's lecture, refer to the attached flyer.
See you all there!
Helen Barcham | Communications Officer
Institute for Culture and Society | University of Western Sydney
P 9685 9692 F 9685 9601 E H.Barcham at uws.edu.au<https://email.uws.edu.au/owa/redir.aspx?C=JyD0bTpz902_YLslto0J2sQ_pkNNdtAIOlhxUHB0S6z8zYqIB-9kMUrxpc1dJO8euyKoYZTUiLI.&URL=mailto%3aH.Barcham%40uws.edu.au> W www.uws.edu.au/ics<https://email.uws.edu.au/owa/redir.aspx?C=JyD0bTpz902_YLslto0J2sQ_pkNNdtAIOlhxUHB0S6z8zYqIB-9kMUrxpc1dJO8euyKoYZTUiLI.&URL=http%3a%2f%2fwww.uws.edu.au%2fics>
Building EM Parramatta Campus, Locked Bag 1797 Penrith NSW 2751 Australia
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