[csaa-forum] Media at Sydney presents: 'Locating Television' - Graeme Turner and Anna Cristina Pertierra

Madeleine King maddyking22 at gmail.com
Thu Jul 4 14:25:23 CST 2013

Media at Sydney presents:

*'Locating Television:* Working between disciplines’

In this talk, Anna Cristina Pertierra and Graeme Turner will discuss the
series of projects that fed into, and emerged from, their recent book
Locating Television: Zones of Consumption (Routledge, 2013).  Focused upon
understanding the socio-cultural function of television and new media in a
number of national locations, the comparative dimension of these projects
has directly informed the development of the notion of ‘zones of
consumption’ as an alternative way of conceptualising how media are
located. Importantly, the book is also the product of a collaboration
between cultural studies and cultural anthropology; a discussion of that
collaboration will be a central focus of the presentation.

*Dr Anna Cristina Pertierra is an ARC Posdoctoral Research Fellow in the
Centre for Critical and Cultural Studies at the University of Queensland,
and an anthropologist whose central research interests are in media,
especially television, and the role of consumption in everyday life. Her
current ARC funded project is a comparative study of the social function of
television in Cuba, Mexico and the Philippines. She is the author of *Cuba:
The Struggle for Consumption* (2011), the co-author (with Graeme Turner) of
*Locating Television: Zones of Consumption *(2013), and the co-editor (with
John Sinclair) of *Consumer Culture in Latin Americ*a (2013).*

* *

*Emeritus Professor Graeme Turner also works in the Centre for Critical and
Cultural Studies at the University of Queensland, and he is one of the
leading figures in media and cultural studies. His most recent publications
include (with Anna Cristina Pertierra) *Locating Television: Zones of
Consumption(*2013), *What’s Become of Cultural Studies?* (2012), and *Ordinary
People and the Media: The Demotic Turn *(2010). He is currently co-editing
(with Jinna Tay and Koichi Iwabuchi) the collection *Television Histories
in Asia* and a revised edition of his *Understanding Celebrity *will be
published in October.*


Friday , 26th July, 3-5pm

New Law Annex   <http://sydney.edu.au/maps/campuses/?area=CAMDAR>RM100

Camperdown campus, Sydney

*Please RSVP to Madeleine King mkin5545 at uni.sydney.edu.au*

Media at Sydney is hosted by the Department of Media and Communications
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