[csaa-forum] Academic Work Cultures and Wellbeing: Strategies for Transformation Macquarie University 2-3 May 2013.

John Scannell john.scannell at mq.edu.au
Tue Mar 26 12:58:14 CST 2013

Academic Work Cultures and Wellbeing: Strategies for Transformation

Academic Work Cultures and Wellbeing: Strategies for Transformation is a 
conference hosted by Macquarie University from 2-3 May, 2013. The aim of 
the conference is to reflect upon the state of working life in higher 
education today. While much has been written about the vast changes that 
have occurred within the sector in the last decade or so, there has been 
comparatively little research on the impact of such changes on the 
health and wellbeing of academic staff. Stress levels of academic staff 
are considerably higher and wellbeing levels significantly lower than 
the average, and everyday encounters with staff who report "exhaustion, 
stress, overload, insomnia, anxiety, shame, aggression, hurt, guilt and 
feelings of out-of-placeness, fraudulence and fear of exposure within 
the contemporary academy" (Gill, 2009:1) are increasingly prevalent. 
Anecdotal evidence also suggests that significant numbers of academic 
staff have sought advice and/or treatment from medical professionals as 
a result of work-related health issues.

Conference Website: http://www.academicwellbeing.wordpress.com
Online Registrations
Online Registration is available here: 

The organisers are trying to keep the conference reasonably priced and 
accessible to all.

Two-day – $100 (Waged), $20 (Unwaged)
One-day – $50 (Waged), $10 (Unwaged)

Dr. John Scannell
Department of Media, Music, Communication and Cultural Studies
Macquarie University
Sydney, 2109
Phone: (02) 98502161
Fax: (02) 98502101
email: john.scannell at mq.edu.au

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