[csaa-forum] There's still time to enter International Poetry Award

Peter Rodger admin at basilbuntingaward.co.uk
Mon Jul 16 22:46:12 CST 2012


The Third Basil Bunting Poetry Award 2012




August Kleinzahler


First Prize £1250.00    Second Prize £500.00      Third Prize £250.00


 Three commendations of £75.00 each




It’s not too late to enter your work in this year’s Poetry Award.  Entering
online is really very straightforward and takes only a few minutes.  We are
looking forward to receiving your entries for this year’s competition
especially with American August Kleinzahler as our judge.


We are delighted to announce that the winner of first Basil Bunting Poetry
Award, in 2009, Dh Maitreyabandhu has just had a collection entitled The
Crumb Road accepted for publication in 2013 by Bloodaxe Books
<http://www.bloodaxebooks.com/> . 


The deadline for this year’s award is 31st July 2012.  Full details of
prizes and conditions of entry can be found at www.basilbuntingaward.co.uk
<http://www.basilbuntingaward.co.uk/> .


Closing date for entries 31 July 2012


Without obligation the work of the winners and of those commended will be
read by Neil Astley Editor of Bloodaxe Books.


For full details of entry and conditions please go to 

www.basilbuntingaward.co.uk <http://www.basilbuntingaward.co.uk/> 


Award contact: Awards Administrator  

peter at basilbuntingaward.co.uk


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