[csaa-forum] CFP: New Scholar 2.2 - Special Issue on Belonging

Caitlin Nunn c.nunn at student.unimelb.edu.au
Sun Jul 8 12:05:34 CST 2012

*Apologies for cross postings*


*Call for Papers: Volume 2 Number 2 The Belonging Project/The Belonging
Issue *


As an integral part of human experience, ‘belonging’ is a ubiquitous
concept in many areas of the humanities and social sciences and beyond.
This is increasingly the case in the contemporary contexts of
globalization, trans-nationalism, and the emergence of the network society,
which have imbued issues of belonging with a renewed emphasis and increased
urgency. Yet, as important as the concept of belonging is to discourses on
migration, citizenship, community and wellbeing, among others, it is rarely
defined or interrogated at length. While such ambiguity and elasticity is
no doubt part of belonging’s efficacy as a concept, it nonetheless veils
the complexities of processes and experiences of belonging/not belonging.

Following a successful interdisciplinary workshop and symposium on
belonging, the organizers of the Belonging Project, an initiative by
interdisciplinary researchers from Melbourne, are now calling for
submissions for a special issue of *New Scholar. *This special issue will
showcase innovative research across disciplines that critically engages
with the concept of belonging and the ways in which it is deployed and
understood in academic discourses, with a view to examining the challenges
and ambiguities embedded in the concept.

Submissions might address (but need not be limited to) the following

   - Structures and processes of belonging
   - Moving past the belonging/not-belonging dichotomy
   - Belonging beyond identity
   - Technology, communication and belonging
   - Scales of belonging, e.g., local, national, transnational
   - Belonging and intersectionality
   - Memory and belonging
   - Place and belonging
   - Mobility and belonging
   - Agency and belonging
   - Indigenous belonging
   - Migrancy, transnationalism, and belonging
   - Hybridity and belonging
   - Language, culture and belonging

Submissions should be uploaded to www.newscholar.org.au by August 14, 2012

Please see the *New Scholar *website for updated guidelines for authors.
Please address all inquiries (but not submissions) to Caitlin Nunn, Nadia
Niaz, Karen Schamberger and Gillian Darcy at thebelongingproject at gmail.com
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