[csaa-forum] Dimitris Vardoulakis at Philosophy Seminars on Coetzee's Michael K.

Philosophy@UWS Philosophy at uws.edu.au
Wed Feb 22 14:47:18 CST 2012

Philosophy Seminars 2012
Research Centre for Writing and Society and Philosophy @ UWS

Dimitris Vardoulakis
Senior Lecturer
School of Humanities and Communication Arts
University of Western Sydney

TITLE: Rebel, Saint or Unexceptional? Coetzee's Michael K.

TIME: March 07, 2-4pm

PLACE: UWS Bankstown Campus, 3.G.55

ABSTRACT: In this presentation I will consider how Michael K., Coetzee's re-working of Heinrich von Keist's famous rebel, Michael Kohlhaas, can be understood as a biopolitical subject. I read Michael Kohlhaas in relation to the theory of racism that Foucault puts forward at the end of his lectures Society Must be Defended. I will argue that traces of older configurations of power, both ancient and modern, are still present in the novella, turning it into a meditation on sovereignty.

BIO: Dimitris Vardoulakis (UWS) is the author of The Doppelgänger (Fordham University Press, 201) and the editor of Spinoza Now (University of Minnesota Press, 2011).

Contact: philosophy at uws.edu.au<mailto:philosophy at uws.edu.au>
For more information about Philosophy seminars at UWS see: http://www.uws.edu.au/philosophy/philosophy@uws

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