[csaa-forum] CFP: Special Issue of Asiatic, September 2012: The Poetry and Poetics of Popular Culture in the Asia-Pacific Region
Kit MacFarlane
Kit.MacFarlane at unisa.edu.au
Fri Feb 10 11:21:44 CST 2012
Call for Papers: Special Issue of Asiatic, September 2012
"The Poetry and Poetics of Popular Culture in the Asia-Pacific Region"
Asiatic invites papers on poetry and poetics and their relations and connections to popular culture in all its forms in the context of Asia-Pacific/Australasian region.
As an influential and intellectual discourse, poetry’s presence and influence can be found in all forms of pop culture and everyday life, from the general presence of poetry in popular film and TV, to the role and presence of poets as characters, to the prominence of particular poets in the popular realm, to the poetics of popular media forms.
Similarly, pop culture is equally a presence in poetry, with poets embracing not only its ubiquitous presence as a topic, but also delving into its personal individual resonances, and embracing its forms and structures.
Self-reflective papers based on poets’ own poetry are most welcome.
Papers are to be submitted for peer-review by April 30, 2012.
For submission guidelines please refer to the Asiatic webpage:
All email queries, abstracts and articles should be sent to the editors of the issue:
Dr. Ioana Petrescu, University of South Australia (Ioana.Petrescu at unisa.edu.au)
Professor Mohammad A. Quayum (mquayum at gamil.com).
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