[csaa-forum] Two fully funded ARC Linkage Scholarships

Lelia GREEN l.green at ecu.edu.au
Fri Nov 11 08:59:07 CST 2011

Dear CSAA list

Please bring this advertisement to the attention of potential PhD candidates in Communications, Cultural Studies, Social Sciences and Visual Design

many thanks!

Lelia Green

Community Use of Satellite Fire Warning System

Faculty of Education and Arts, Edith Cowan University

The School of Communication and Arts at ECU’s Mount Lawley campus invites applications for two Australian Research Council PhD scholarships for $27,651 per year for three years, commencing in February 2012. The research centres on Landgate WA’s FireWatch, an online service providing information about bushfires using satellite imagery, which is currently used by professional fire fighters and land managers. Working within an ECU research team and with Landgate WA, the PhD candidates will aim to empower remote and regional communities to use FireWatch in managing bushfire risk. Both candidates will require excellent communication skills, including high level academic writing.

Communications candidate: Harnessing current knowledge about people’s use of the internet, this research will create a community based response to activate fire safety plans informed by FireWatch. An Honours degree or Master by Research in Media and Communications, Social Science or Cultural Studies is required.

Design candidate: Using best practice visual communication theory, this research will redesign FireWatch for amateur use. An Honours degree or Master by Research in Design, with a demonstrable focus on web or other electronic interface design aimed at improving human-computer interaction, is required.

Applications close November 21, 2011.
Further information is available from our website.

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