[csaa-forum] Honour Killing Across Culture and Time – Conference Registration Open

Josh Wodak josh.wodak at anu.edu.au
Mon Oct 31 12:52:41 CST 2011

Hi there,

I am writing to let you know that registration has now opened for the 
Honour Killing Across Culture and Time Conference at The Australian 
National University in Canberra, Australia from 7-9 December 2011.

Could you please add the the following announcement to the News and 
Events section of your website and/or include it in your e-mail 
newsletter, as the conference is very relevant to the activities of the 
Cultural Studies Association of Australia.

Kind regards,



Honour Killing Across Culture and Time – Conference Registration Open

Australian National University

Canberra, Australia

7-9 December 2011

Honour-motivated violence is a trans-historical and cross-cultural 
phenomenon, yet it has recently become a metonym for Islamic and 
anti-modern cultures.

How can inter-disciplinary conversations unpack this association to 
produce innovative ways of thinking about and acting against violence 
justified through claims of honour?

This conference will explore honour killing across periods, places, 
political contexts, legal regimes and religions.It will bring together 
scholars, artists and activists. This event will be the ANU Gender 
Institute's Signature Event for 2011.

For more information and registration:


{End of announcement}

Dr Josh Wodak

Conference Administrator

"Honour Killing Across Culture and Time"

The Australian National University

T: +61 405 947 324

W: http://history.cass.anu.edu.au/honourkillingconf



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