[csaa-forum] Professor Stuart Moulthrop Public Lecture, Melbourne Oct 10

belinda at senet.com.au belinda at senet.com.au
Fri Sep 16 09:01:30 CST 2011

Professor Stuart Moulthrop Public Lecture 

Make a Better Door: Or, How Does Digital Humanism Humanize? 

An interesting image for 2011. 
A player/character in the most recent Portal game is literally locked out of her workplace and replaced by a pair of robots. From 
this resonant image of the human-computer interface a discussion will emerge to do with broader understandings of the digital 
humanities, media scholarship, and electronic literature. The focus for this approach will be the question famously posed by 
Richard Lanham's: "how do the humanities humanize?" 
Professor Darren Tofts (Swinburne University of Technology) will moderate a conversation with Professor Moulthrop following 
his presentation. 

Date: Monday 10th October, 2011 
Time: 6.30-8.30 pm. 
Venue: Village Roadshow Theatrette
State Library of Victoria
179 La Trobe Street Melbourne (Conference Centre, Entry 3) 

Cost: FREE 

Stuart Moulthrop is Professor of English at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. He is an electronic literature pioneer, both as 
a theoretician and as a writer, and has published many of articles on the topic of games, network literature and digital media 
theory. From 1995-99 he was co-editor of the online journal Postmodern Culture and he is a founding board member of the 
Electronic Literature Organization (ELO). His hypertext Victory Garden (1992) was featured on the front page of the New York 
Times Book Review in a (now famous) review by American literary critic Robert Coover. Moulthrop is also the author of the 
hypertext fiction works Reagan Library (1999), and Hegirascope (1995), amongst many others. 
His recent work engages with digital games and its interface with media theory, electronic writing and scandal. His current work 
in progress is "Sc4nda1 in New Media," an Arcade Essay that converges philosophical meditation with an actual video game. It 
can be accessed at http://pantherfile.uwm.edu/moulthro/index.htm. 

Professor Moulthrop is a Visiting Research Fellow in the Faculty of Life & Social Sciences,
Swinburne University of Technology, in association with the School of Media and Communication, RMIT.

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