[csaa-forum] JMRC Seminar: David Buckingham on 'Children, consumption and the media'

Katherine Albury k.albury at unsw.edu.au
Mon Jun 27 15:40:48 CST 2011

Dear All,

We would like to invite you to attend the JMRC Seminar

'Children, consumption and media: from public debate to public policy' by Professor David Buckingham from London University

held at the Australian Business School ABS115 on Thursday 14 July from 5pm to 6.30pm, to be followed by drinks.

Please refer to our website for further information on this seminar at


and on future seminars organised by JMRC at


We are looking forward to seeing you there. All welcome, no RSVP required. Contact: margaret.borschke at unsw.edu.au

Dr Kath Albury
Academic Coordinator, Master of Journalism and Communication
Journalism and Media Research Centre
University of New South Wales
Telephone: 61 2 9385 8533
Fax: 61 2 9385 8528.

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