[csaa-forum] FW: APAI Scholarship - Rethinking Multiculturalism / Reassessing Multicultural Education

Gregory Noble G.Noble at uws.edu.au
Wed Oct 27 09:10:48 CST 2010

Please pass on to any outstanding students you know who may be interested
best wishes
Greg Noble
Associate Professor
The Centre for Cultural Research
University of Western Sydney
Bldg EM - Parramatta Campus
Locked Bag 1797
Penrith South DC, NSW 1797, Australia


PhD Scholarship

Australian Postgraduate Award (Industry)

Rethinking Multiculturalism / Reassessing Multicultural Education

The Centre for Cultural Research (CCR) in collaboration with the NSW Department of Education & Training and the NSW Institute of Teachers is seeking an excellent doctoral candidate to undertake an Australian Research Council (ARC) funded project.

About the Project

This project will shed light on the challenges posed by increasing cultural complexity by examining approaches to multiculturalism in NSW government schools in urban and rural areas and how these link to the role of education in promoting social inclusion. It will explore the relation between perceptions of difference that shape teaching practice and the rationales of multicultural programs in schools, and link these to broader issues in the philosophy of multiculturalism. The project includes the development and evaluation of school-based action research projects aimed at producing innovative approaches to meeting the needs of culturally diverse communities and improving teacher knowledge. The project will also contribute to public debates about multiculturalism and diversity.

The project has a multidisciplinary team of researchers (from educational ethnography, cultural studies and human geography) and the two partner organisations.

While the broad orientation of the project is on understandings and applications of multiculturalism in urban and rural schools and their communities, there is considerable scope to adapt and focus the project depending on the background and attributes of the successful scholarship candidate.


* Good Bachelor Honours degree (Class 1 or 2.1), or equivalent qualifications and/or experience

* Background in a relevant field of cultural research, humanities or social science

* Strong communication skills for conducting research interviews and focus groups in the field

* Strong writing and analytical skills

What does the scholarship provide?

* Tax-free stipend of $32,222 per annum and a funded place in the doctoral degree

Need more information?

* Contact Dr Megan Watkins to discuss the project: m.watkins at uws.edu.au, +61 2 9685 9600

* Contact the Research Scholarships Development Officer to discuss enrolment and scholarships:

Ms Tracy Mills: HDRscholarships at uws.edu.au; +61 2 4736 0966

* Find out more about the research being undertaken in the Centre for Cultural Research:


How to apply

* Submit an application form and CV by the closing date. The application form can be downloaded from the web:



Dr Megan Watkins 
Senior Lecturer Literacy and Pedagogy
School of Education
Higher Degree Research Coordinator
Centre for Cultural Research 
University of Western Sydney 
Bldg 4, Bankstown Campus 
Locked Bag 1797 
Penrith South DC NSW 1797 
ph: 61 2 9772 6208 or 9685-9600 
fax:61 2 9772 6738 
email: m.watkins at uws.edu.au 
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