[csaa-forum] ACRAWSA 2010 Symposium

| Damien | contact at damienriggs.com
Tue Oct 19 16:06:52 CST 2010

Dear All,


Please find attached the full information for the 2010 Australian Critical
Race and Whiteness Studies Association symposium to be held in Adelaide in

The attached booklet includes information on the presentations that will be
given, as well as the timing of the event. Please note that registration is
free for

ACRAWSA members, $25 for non-members or $15 for concession (or join ACRAWSA
on the day to attend for free). Attendance includes morning tea, lunch and 

afternoon tea, as well as the launch of the new ACRAWSA website in the
evening. RSVP to Damien Riggs ( <mailto:damien.riggs at flinders.edu.au>
damien.riggs at flinders.edu.au) by December 1st.


Please do send this information on to other interested parties.



Damien Riggs

ACRAWSA President




Dr. Damien W. Riggs MAPS 


Lecturer | Department of Social Work and Social Planning | School of Social
and Policy Studies | Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences | Flinders
University | GPO Box 2100 Adelaide 5001


Visiting Research Fellow | School of Psychology | University of
Adelaide|South Australia 5005


Family and Relationships Counsellor | Relationships Australia SA | 55 Hutt
Street Adelaide




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