[csaa-forum] Research Lectureships in Cultural Research, University of Western Sydney

Brett Neilson B.Neilson at uws.edu.au
Mon Oct 11 10:47:08 CST 2010

The University of Western Sydney provides opportunities for early career researchers specialising in Cultural Studies to engage with scholars of international standing in the Centre for Cultural Research and the Schools of Humanities and Languages, and Social Sciences. Applications are invited from early career researchers with a disciplinary background in cultural sociology, cultural anthropology, cultural geography, or cultural history. Particular areas of interest include: Asian Cultural Studies, with a focus on transnationalism and mobility; or Consumption and Everyday Life, with regard to environmental issues. 

Remuneration Package: Academic Level B, $93,187 to $109,962 p.a. (comprising salary $78,744 to $92,984 p.a., 17% Superannuation and Leave Loading). 

Position Enquiries : Associate Professor Brett Neilson, (02) 9685 9634 or email b.neilson at uws.edu.au   

Closing Date: 31 October 2010


Associate Professor Brett Neilson
Centre for Cultural Research
Parramatta, EM
University of Western Sydney
Locked Bag 1797
Penrith South DC, 1797
Tel. +61-2-9685-9600
Fax. +61-2-9685-9610

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