[csaa-forum] CFP: Australians Abroad conference 10-11 Feb, 2011, Brisbane, Australia
Juliana De Nooy
j.denooy at uq.edu.au
Tue May 25 11:10:54 CST 2010
with apologies for cross-posting
Australians Abroad: An interdisciplinary conference
University of Queensland, 10-11 February 2011
Hosted by the School of Languages and Comparative Cultural Studies, UQ
If myths of national identity have focused on travel to Australia
('discovery', invasion/settlement, transportation, migration), it is
worth noting that travel from Australia has been a significant
phenomenon for just as long. From Yolngu people accompanying Macassan
fisherman to the islands of Indonesia, from those First Fleeters who
made the return journey 'home' to Europe, to today's travellers,
tourists and expatriates, residents of Australia have left its shores
for a multitude of destinations and reasons and in very different roles.
Descendants of migrants and refugees, soldiers, nurses, artists,
authors, brides, chaperones, utopians, sportspeople, students, teachers,
backpackers, cruise-ship travellers, journalists, IT professionals: some
have sought to rejoin family, others to escape it; some have sought
renown, others have been head-hunted.
We invite papers that explore the conference theme from a variety of
disciplinary perspectives including: auto/biography, travel writing,
history, language learning, intercultural communication, sociology,
tourism, literary/cultural studies.
Possible topics might include:
* analyses of fiction, memoirs, letters, diaries, interviews
relating to travel by Australians
* patterns of travel/writing, configurations of gender and desire
at different times, in different places
* Aboriginal travel to various destinations and its purposes
* the search for Utopia and its construction by Australians
* contemporary discourses displacing the 'cultural cringe' of the
1960s as the motivation for travel
* reflections on Australia from an overseas vantage point
* Australian experiences in non-English speaking territory,
language-learning memoirs, the relation between language and cultural
* the extent to which belonging is sought in the destination
culture, accommodation to local cultures
* representations of particular cultures by Australians
* New Zealand travel/expatriate experiences (this might form a
panel broadening the conference theme to Australasians Abroad)
Abstracts of 250 words or panel proposals (3 x 20 minute papers on a
common theme with an abstract for each) with full contact details should
be sent by 31 August 2010 to Dr Juliana de Nooy at: j.denooy at uq.edu.au
Keynote speaker: Emeritus Professor Ros Pesman, author of Duty Free:
Australian Women Abroad and co-editor of Australians in Italy:
Contemporary lives and impressions and The Oxford book of Australian
travel writing.
Other keynote speakers will be confirmed shortly. Conference
registration will open in October 2010 and will include earlybird
registration fees. Participation by postgraduate students is
particularly welcome.
Further details will be posted, as they become available, on the
conference website:
Dr Juliana de Nooy
Senior Lecturer in French
School of Languages & Comparative Cultural Studies
University of Queensland, Q 4072, Australia
Tel: (+617) 3365 2278
Fax: (+617) 3365 6799
CRICOS provider no: 00025B
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