[csaa-forum] State of the Industry: the future for cultural research in the university - Travel Bursaries

John Gunders j.gunders at uq.edu.au
Thu Sep 3 11:35:02 CST 2009

Reminder: Applications for travel bursaries open at 9:00am (in your
local time zone) next Monday, 7 September 2009.


The State of the Industry: the future for cultural research in the
26 & 27 November 2009 at UNSW, Kensington

Travel bursaries now available

The ARC Cultural Research Network is pleased to announce the details of
a bursary scheme to assist postgraduate students and Early Career
Researchers (without access to institutional funding) in their
attendance at the State of the Industry conference at UNSW in November
The bursary funds will be distributed in the form of return airfares to
enable attendees based in regional NSW and other Australian states to
travel to Sydney.
We want as many 'next generation' scholars who are engaged in cultural
research as possible to participate in this event, and we hope this
funding scheme will encourage postgrads and ECRs from all over Australia
to join this important discussion.
To be as fair as possible, tickets will be distributed to eligible
applicants on a 'first come, first served' basis.  
To be in the running to receive one of these plane tickets, please read
the following instructions, and follow them carefully:
Send an email to Alison Huber (huberal at unimelb.edu.au) AFTER 9AM on


Send the application after 9:00am in your current time zone: we will
adjust the time received so as not to disadvantage applicants who are
not on the east coast.

NB: Early applications will not be considered.  
Please title your email 'SOI Bursary Application', and provide the
following information:
1. Name and title for ticket booking (to match photo ID)
2. Institutional affiliation (if applicable)
3. Enrolment / Employment status
4. Email address
5. Contact phone number
6. Airport you wish to fly from/back to
7. Preferred travel dates and times
8. Frequent flyer number (if applicable)
Alison will send a return email indicating your place in the ticket
queue.  When we have reached the end of the pot of money, bursaries will
be declared 'sold out'.
In the spirit of making this conference inclusive and representative,
registration is free of charge, and open to all members of the public
and the university community. Download a registration form at:


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