[csaa-forum] Fwd: [TfCcore] IOSARN/TfC Lunchtime Talk: Meg Samuelson, Stellenbosch University, SA

Devleena Ghosh Devleena.Ghosh at uts.edu.au
Mon Mar 9 13:53:40 CST 2009

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Cornelia Betzler <Cornelia.Betzler at uts.edu.au>
> Date: 26 February 2009 6:53:49 PM
> To: tfccore at listserv.uts.edu.au, tfcassociates at listserv.uts.edu.au, tfcpgrd at listserv.uts.edu.au 
> , fassacad-comm at listserv.uts.edu.au
> Subject: [TfCcore] IOSARN/TfC Lunchtime Talk: Meg Samuelson,  
> Stellenbosch University, SA
> Reply-To: Cornelia Betzler <Cornelia.Betzler at uts.edu.au>
> IOSARN/TfC Lunchtime Talk
> Dear all,
> The UTS Indian Ocean and South Asia Research Network invites you to  
> a lunchtime talk by Meg Samuelson, Stellenbosch University, South  
> Africa.
> DATE: Tuesday, 10th March 2009
> TIME: 12.30 - 1.30 pm
> VENUE: TfC Bagel, UTS Bldg. 3, Level 4, Room 4.02
> Protean constructions of self and nation: the sea as archive and  
> trope in post-apartheid South African literature & culture
> For further information and RSVP:
> cornelia.betzler at uts.edu.au
> Please find attached an abstract of the talk.
> See you there.
> Cornelia Betzler
> Administration and Communications Officer I Transforming Cultures  
> Research Centre
> Project Officer I Indian Ocean & South Asia Research Network
> Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
> University of Technology, Sydney | PO Box 123, Broadway, NSW 2007 |  
> Australia
> Ph.: +61 2 9514 2768
> www.tfc.uts.edu.au
> UTS CRICOS Provider Code: 00099F
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> Think. Green. Do.
> Please consider the environment before printing this email.
> _______________________________________________
> TfCcore mailing list
> TfCcore at listserv.uts.edu.au
> http://listserv.uts.edu.au/mailman/listinfo/tfccore

(Dr) Devleena Ghosh
Acting Director, Trans/forming Cultures
(University Research Centre)
Director, IOSARN (Indian Ocean and South Asia Research Network)
Associate Professor, Social Inquiry Program
Bon Marche (Bldg 3), room 550 (enter via Harris St)

Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
University of Technology, Sydney

Postal address: PO Box 123, Broadway, NSW 2007, Australia
Phone and Voice Mail: +61-2-95141963
Fax: +61-2-95142332

"A few hours’ mountain climbing turns a rogue and a saint into two  
roughly equal creatures. Weariness is the shortest path to equality  
and fraternity — and liberty is finally added by sleep." (Nietzsche)

UTS CRICOS Provider Code:  00099F
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Think. Green. Do.

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