[csaa-forum] ERA rankings
Sue Turnbull
s.turnbull at latrobe.edu.au
Mon Jul 7 11:24:03 CST 2008
Dear Jon, Lelia, Barbara and all,
I am more than happy to organise submissions at the La Trobe end on the ERA
rankings for our area as I have been required to do, but as Barbara
suggests, I think it would also be very helpful to organise on the CSAA list
too. For example I was going to go into bat for Continuum and Screen, but
might have missed Perfect Beat.
Perhaps it would help if we identified the journals at risk¹ here and
those who had specific points to be made in relation to each might share
their ideas. Graeme Turner, Mark Gibson and Stephi have already made some
suggestions. I¹d be happy to take on board any others.
On 7/7/08 11:42 AM, "Jon Stratton" <J.Stratton at curtin.edu.au> wrote:
> Hi Everybody,
> While on the matter of which journals are ranked high and which low, those
> people who write about film need to know that (I think I am right in saying)
> no film journal get higher than a B ranking and most, including Screen, get a
> C. Also, for those who write about popular music--and I have already posted
> this information to the local popular music studies email List--Perfect Beat:
> The Pacific Journal for Research into Contemporary Music and Popular Culture,
> running since 1992 and the only Australian-based journal specialising in
> popular music studies, gets a C and the other relevant journals, such as
> Popular Music and Society, get a B.
> Again, I emphasise, please organise submissions.
> cheers,
> Jon
> From: csaa-forum-bounces at lists.cdu.edu.au on behalf of Jon Stratton
> Sent: Sun 6/07/2008 6:24 PM
> To: Lelia GREEN; csaa-forum at lists.cdu.edu.au
> Subject: RE: [csaa-forum] ERA rankings
> Hi Everybody,
> Thanks for expanding and reinforcing my email, Leilia. In the last few
> days, the dealine has been extended. I was sent this email:
> Due to the large interest in and the importance of this exercise the ARC is
> extending the deadline for submissions by three weeks. Therefore, submissions
> as part of this consultation process will close COB on Thursday 14 August,
> 2008, but researchers will be asked (via the ³Making Submissions² link on our
> website http://www.arc.gov.au/era/submissions_ranking.htm
> <https://email.curtin.edu.au/exchweb/bin/redir.asp?URL=">http://www.arc.gov.au
> /era/submissions_ranking.htm>
> <http://www.arc.gov.au/era/submissions_ranking.htm> ) to have their
> submission material to their institution's ERA Liaison Officer by COB 31 July
> 2008 to allow time for compilation of your institution's submission.
> cheers,
> Jon
> From: Lelia GREEN [mailto:l.green at ecu.edu.au]
> Sent: Sun 6/07/2008 3:45 PM
> To: Jon Stratton; csaa-forum at lists.cdu.edu.au
> Subject: RE: [csaa-forum] ERA rankings
> Dear Jon and all
> Thanks for raising this, Jon.
> In fact, the ARC press release of 12 June indicates that institutions have
> until 24 July to respond to the draft list. (See below). Institutions will
> probably have closing dates for internal submissions that are a week or two
> before this date -- so this is a job for the coming week!
> Sadly, both Cultural Studies journals and Communications journals appear to
> have suffered as a result of not being clearly aligned with either a
> Humanities or a Social Sciences focus. In addition to the list of B graded
> journals in your post can be added the internationally-recognised Australian
> Journal of Communication (which the Australian Business Deans' Council graded
> as A), and M/C: A Journal of Media and Culture. The only Australian journal in
> our field to be recognised as higher than B appears to be Media International
> Australia (A*).
> I agree with Jon that this is a matter that should be raised urgently with our
> University research co-ordinators since it would be inappropriate to
> categorise all Australian journals in Media, Communications and Cultural
> Studies (apart from MIA) as publishing "only a few papers of very high
> quality".
> Further, this discussion and the fact that we had little notice of the
> outcomes prior to the 12 June indicates that we should work towards a national
> forum of Humanities and Arts Deans so that we could have had input into the
> national discussions equivalent to that enjoyed by the Business Deans. (They
> have a national meeting twice a year to impact upon policy affecting their
> discipline areas.)
> Thanks again
> Lelia
> Thursday, 12 June 2008
> ARC seeks sector's views on journal rankings for ERA initiative
> The Australian Research Council (ARC) has today launched a consultation period
> on a draft journal rankings list, one of the indicators that will be used on a
> discipline-specific basis to evaluate research as part of the Excellence in
> Research for Australia (ERA) initiative.
> Research outlets are ranked into four tiers (A*, A, B and C) on the basis of
> the overall quality that each has for a particular discipline.
> ARC Chief Executive Officer, Professor Margaret Sheil said that this is the
> second phase on the journal rankings. In late 2007, the four Learned
> Academies and a number of peak bodies, undertook the initial journal ranking
> exercise to develop this draft for their relevant disciplines.
> "More than 19,000 unique peer reviewed journals have been identified to form
> the draft list of ranked journals.
> "It is worth noting that journals of Australian origin are well represented in
> the top tiers of the draft rankings.
> "This is an important process to ensure that the higher education and research
> sectors will have confidence in the rankings that will be used as part of the
> ERA initiative," Professor Sheil said.
> Submissions will close on Thursday 24 July, 2008. More information is
> available from the ARC website: http://www.arc.gov.au/era/indicators.htm
> <https://staffmail.ecu.edu.au/exchweb/bin/redir.asp?URL=">http://www.arc.gov.a
> u/era/indicators.htm> <http://www.arc.gov.au/era/indicators.htm>
> The ARC will release the final journal ranking list once all submissions have
> been considered.
> ________________________________
> From: csaa-forum-bounces at lists.cdu.edu.au on behalf of Jon Stratton
> Sent: Sun 06/07/2008 10:30
> To: csaa-forum at lists.cdu.edu.au
> Subject: [csaa-forum] ERA rankings
> Hi Everybody,
> If you haven't already, may I please suggest that you look at the
> journal rankings that are planned to be used for the federal government's
> Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA) exercise. The list of journals and
> the rankings can be found at:
> http://www.arc.gov.au/xls/ERA_Journal_Ranking_Flatfile.xls
> <https://email.curtin.edu.au/exchweb/bin/redir.asp?URL=">http://www.arc.gov.au
> /xls/ERA_Journal_Ranking_Flatfile.xls>
> <http://www.arc.gov.au/xls/ERA_Journal_Ranking_Flatfile.xls> . There are
> four categories, A*, A, B. C. C is therefore the lowest ranking. You might
> particularly want to note that Continuum, which is the only international
> cultural studies journal based in Australia, and is the CSAA-linked journal,
> has a B ranking. This places it well down in importance and means that
> articles published in it will not be regarded by the ERA exercise as being of
> as much worth as compared to if the journal are ranked at A* or A.
> Journal of Intercultural Studies is also ranked as a B, as are Social
> Identities, and Borderlands. Third Text is a C as is New Formations. As a
> generalisation, it seems to me that journals based in the US or Britain, and
> journals which tend towards publishing less innovative and less controversial
> (and this includes political) articles, tend to be given the higher rankings.
> At present submissions are being taken for additions to the journal list
> and for changes in ranking. All submissions have to be sent through
> universities. If you have not been contacted by the R&D area of your
> university may I suggest that you contact them, find out how to register a
> submission in your university and do so. The closing date for submissions is
> towards the end of July.
> thanks for your time,
> Jon
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> in error please return it to the sender via reply e-mail and delete any record
> of it from your system. The information contained within is not the opinion of
> Edith Cowan University in general and the University accepts no liability for
> the accuracy of the information provided.
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